Page 216 of Lead Us To Temptation

“It wasn’t insanely difficult to find him, even with his curse of wandering he still managed to stay relatively close to the area.”


“Thank you Raphael.”

“The daughter of Cain,” Raphael smirked as he turned his gaze to Catalina,

Watch Yourself Brother.

“She looks just like him.”

She does.

“Have you located Micheal yet?”

Raphael returned his gaze to me as he shook his head,

“Not yet but I will keep looking, I have scouts spread across the state looking for him.”

Smart move.

With scouts spread out we could cover more ground twice as fast and possibly find Micheal quicker, yet it also put lives at risk. Micheal was volatile right now and he would kill anyone who got in his way.

“How is Gabriel?” Raphael asked,

“He’s doing good, he should be good to go in a few days.”

“And where will you three go?”

That is a very good question.

“Wherever she wants to go, if she wishes to stay then we will stay.”

“You think that is wise given the situation?”

I thought about it for hours last night but I knew keeping Catalina closed off would drive her crazy, and I wouldn’t do that to her. I wouldn’t pack her away and treat her as if she were some fragile doll.

“I think it is wise to give her as much freedom as I can given the situation.” I turned to face my brother, his gaze turned down as if he was holding back what he wanted to say,

“I am not some idiot that will lock her away for her own good. I will not turn her home into a prison.”

“I am not saying you should lock her away Lucifer, I am simply saying given the situation it might be wise to keep her..hidden.”

Now he was starting to piss me off.

“Let me make something clear brother,”

I moved to stand in front of him, forcing him to finally look at me,

“Catalina is more than capable of taking care of herself, she does not need to be hidden away like some defenseless maiden,”

I took a single step forward as Raphael took a step back,

“And if you get any ideas to try and prove your point, then trust me when I tell you I will delight in peeling the flesh off of your bones.”

I took another step forward as he stepped back. His back hit the glass of the balcony door,

“Do.You.Understand.Me?” I seethed as I inched my face closer to his,