“Gabriel will be asleep for a while, let’s get you cleaned up.”
“But he still has blood on-”
I kissed her again,
“Catalina, he will be fine, just please let me take care of you.”
She nodded her head as I took her hand and led her to our room and into the bathroom.
I lifted her up and gently placed her on the counter, standing in between her legs. I went to place my hands on her thighs but she caught my wrists and held them tightly.
I’ll kill him very slowly for you.
I looked into those orange eyes and saw slight fear and anger growing,
“I am so sorry for what he did Catalina.”
He put his hands on her and I couldn’t stop it. I couldn’t help her. I couldn’t do anything. She dropped my wrists and placed my hands on her thighs, closing her eyes as she leaned into my touch.
“Promise me something?” She asked, her voice so low and soft,
“Before I kill him, I want you to make him suffer.”
I smiled down at her,
“Of course my Morningstar.”
She smiled back at me,
“Now let’s fix you up.”
I reached out to touch her neck but hesitated for a brief moment remembering how she just reacted,
“I have to touch your neck to heal you, is that okay?”
She nodded her head and I gently touched the bright red ring around her neck,
“This won’t hurt but you might feel a slight tingle.”
She closed her eyes as I focused on her neck, washing away the dark stain Micheal had left upon her. Within a few seconds, a familiar feeling coursed through me as a small white light wrapped around her neck, covering Micheal’s handprint.
She winced,
“Just a few more seconds my Morningstar.”
I watched as the handprint slowly started to fade away to nothing. Leaving untouched, perfect olive skin behind. I leaned in and planted a kiss on her neck,
“All better,” I whispered.
Her gentle eyes met mine,
“Do you think Micheal will retaliate?” Her voice was hesitant as if she already knew the answer but was too afraid to ask.
“Unfortunately I think so but I promise you right now he won’t get within ten feet of you.”