Page 204 of Lead Us To Temptation

“Go, she needs you.”

I nodded at him and made my way to Catalina, gently pushing her hand down. Her skin was burning hot. It was as if the fire lived inside of her. As if she had fully given herself over to the fire that lived inside of her.

“That’s enough Catalina.”

Nothing. It was as if she had lost herself and given herself over to the flame. Only listening to the sound of crackling embers as they buried themselves deeper into Micheal’s chest.

Come back my Morningstar. Please.

I intertwined my fingers with hers,

“Catalina Listen to me, I know you are very angry right now and you have every right to be, trust me I want to kill him as much as you do but the others need to know about what happened. No one will know the truth if you kill him here and now.”

If Micheal died here and now, no one would know of the centuries of lies he’s told. If they saw Micheal dead, they would assume either she or I killed him for some devious scheme. They would go after her and I would not allow that to happen. I grabbed her chin and looked into those beautiful green eyes that still held that touch of orange throughout.

“I promise you my Morningstar, when that day comes you will have the final blow.”

Come back to me.

The sword in Micheal’s chest disappeared and Micheal fell to the ground unconscious.

I glanced back at Catalina as the orange in her eyes seemed to grow.

She glanced behind me and her eyes went wide with shock and horror as she took in Gabriel, barely moving and lying in a pool of his own blood on the floor.

I watched as she ran over to Gabriel and slammed to her knees beside him,

“Why aren’t you healing him? He’s dying!” She shouted as she looked at me with tears in her eyes.

“He isn’t dying, he’s bleeding,” Raphael said softly.

“Exactly!” She yelled,

“So heal him!”

“I will once he bleeds out.”

“HE WILL DIE!” Catalina shouted, pain and sadness prominent in her voice as she looked down at Gabriel, gently brushing the hair that had fallen on his brow,

“No. No, he will not,” I said as I walked over and knelt beside her,

“He will not die. Gabriel, like myself, is an archangel. We do not need blood to live.”


Gently, I took her hands in mine,

“Remember when we first started training and you asked about how to kill our kind?”

She shook her head at me, tears racing down her face,

“Our grace is the way we survive, not our blood. Piercing the heart or decapitation is the only way to kill us.” Raphael explained to Catalina. His face was somber as he gazed down at Gabriel, a pool of his blood beginning to surround us.

“He is not dying, he is simply bleeding out. Micheal did not hit his heart, once Gabriel is done bleeding out we will begin to heal him.”

“But why-” Catalina asked

Gabriel cut her off,