Page 200 of Lead Us To Temptation

He’s alive! He’s here and he’s alive!

“Lucifer never wanted the mortals dead. You lied to us for centuries. We turned our backs on him for what?” Gabriel spits out as Raphael pressed the sword closer. Causing another small bead of blood dripped down his neck.

For a brief moment, his eyes meet mine.

I made my decision.

I wasn’t going to let Micheal hurt anyone else any more than he already had. He had to be stopped. I wouldn’t let Micheal do this to the people I cared about, to the people I loved.

I closed my eyes and thought of every awful thing Micheal had done. Not to me but to them. To Lucifer and Gabriel. Every lie he told. Every time he put his hands on them. Every time he made them suffer. Slowly the comforting warm feeling washed over me, Micheal’s grasp on me tightened,

“What is this?”

When I opened my eyes, Micheal and I were surrounded by a cage of pure fire. A pool of blazing orange fire surrounded us as ten large pillars encased us and connected above our heads. A cage. Cage of fire. Hellfire.

I did it! I actually did it!

Lucifer stormed over towards Raphael, disarming him and freeing Gabriel. Lucifer and Gabriel faced Raphael, circling him. Together they struck, Gabriel gripping both of Raphael’s arms, pulling them back as Lucifer delivered punch after punch to Raphael’s face until he collapsed into the chair. Unconscious.

“There’s zip ties in the drawer in the kitchen, grab them!” Gabriel yelled. Lucifer rushed to the kitchen, pulling out four pairs of zip ties from the drawer and rushing to Gabriel.

“Get Forseti’s ass here now!”

Lucifer yelled to Gabriel while he tied the zip ties around Raphael’s wrists. Gabriel Immediately got on the phone as Micheal yelled,


Lucifer walked up to the edge of the circle and the two brothers stared at each other.

“Lucifer,” I whispered as his gaze locked on mine,

“Let her go Micheal,”

Micheal’s grip on me tightened as Gabriel came up behind him,

“Forseti will be here in 2 minutes.”

“Call it off or she dies Lucifer!”

“You won’t kill her. You won’t take the risk.”

“Want to bet brother?”

Micheal tightened his grip even more, so much so that my vision started to blur.

“Sounds like you don’t want Forseti here Micheal, I wonder why that is,” Lucifer smirked,

“Last chance Lucifer!”

Lucifer finally looked away from me as he locked his gaze on Micheal,

“This is absurd!” Micheal screamed, his voice filled with so much anger that reminded me so much of my mother.

Gabriel stomped up to the edge of the cage,

“No Micheal, what is absurd is lying to us for CENTURIES!”

“Gabriel, wake Raphael’s ass up now.”