Page 197 of Lead Us To Temptation

Lucifer was out there somewhere. He could be hurt at any moment. And Gabriel. I saw the bruise on his face and I knew who caused it. Both of them put themselves in danger every day for me. And that was not acceptable.

“You know, my brother has never been good at lying. It is one of his many faults.”

Slowly I turned around and saw Micheal standing in front of the open balcony doors.

I took a step back towards the door as he took a single step forward,

“If I were you I wouldn’t take another step towards that door.”

Dammit, where the fuck was my dagger!

I glanced back to my bed and saw my dagger on the nightstand. Micheal was too close to try and make a dash for it. I was fucking defenseless! I needed something, anything!

Micheal took a single step toward me,

I wish I had grabbed my damn dagger!

Suddenly, a dagger made of fire launched at Micheal,

Holy Shit! How the fuck did I do that?

Micheal easily dodged it as he smiled, his eyes went dark,

“I knew it.”

Before I could even say anything Micheal was standing before me and a familiar pain circled my throat,

“What a cunning little group of liars you and my brothers are”. He reached out with his other hand and caressed my cheek.

“Fuck you,” I said as his grip around my throat tightened.

Micheal grinned as he reached out and traced my bottom lip with his thumb,

“Such a filthy little mouth. I can see why my brother is so enthralled by you.”

“Go to hell,” I said as I tried to maneuver my head away from him,

“That fire in your eyes, the hate, the anger, I imagine you get that from your father yet it reminds me of my brother.” He said as he twisted my head to look back at him,

“You’re both the same, two monsters hiding in each other’s shadow pretending to be something neither of you are.”

“Lucifer’s going to kill you and I’m going to laugh as he does.”

Micheal’s smile grew wider,

“Not if I kill him first.”


“Maybe this was all a trick to get Lucifer alone so my brothers could finally end him.”

No no no no no!

“Maybe he’s already dead. Bleeding out on the ground. Laying there like the trash he is.” Micheal laughed as his grip tightened on me,

“It was such an easy distraction, so simple and he took the bait. I honestly expected more from him.”

I tried to reach up to grab his arm and pull it off of my neck but he was stronger so I did the only thing I could think of. I raised my leg and kicked him. Right. In. The. Balls.