Page 136 of Lead Us To Temptation

“Do you want me to drop you off at my place so you can shower while I get us dinner and grab your stuff from your place?”

Well here goes nothing.

“I’m not going back to the house Gabriel.”

He slammed the trunk closed and looked at me,

“Where do you plan on going?”

You can do this Catalina.

“Back to my place. I have someone waiting there for me.”

“Who do you have-” He stopped himself and I watched as the rage and anger slowly took over his face,

“Gabriel, this is my decision. This is what I want. He is what I want.”

“HE IS GOING TO GET YOU KILLED!” He screamed as rage and panic filled his eyes,

“ I can take care of myself and you know Lucifer wouldn’t do anything to hurt me.”

“Lucifer is my brother, and I love my brother Catalina, but I also know what he is capable of and the kind of person he is. He will get you killed!”

I walked over to Gabriel and grabbed his hand,

“He is your brother and maybe you should have a little faith in him. He isn’t the person you think he is.”

He stared at me with a look that told me he had nothing but pure anger coursing through his veins. I went to pull my hands out of his but he gripped them tighter,

“You need to let go of me, Gabriel.”

“Do you love him?”


I couldn’t say it to him. Not when he was like this.


“Why does it even matter?”

He ignored my question completely,

“Do you honestly believe someone like him is even capable of love!”

“I don’t know what he feels but he is a person too Gabriel, he has feelings just like you and I!”

“Do you think someone who loves you would keep secrets from you!”


I shook my head and asked him,

“What are you talking about?”

“That vision from The Fates! He left out a major detail. The Fates showed us what freaked your mother out so badly. It’s because someone showed her a vision of you and Lucifer. Together. Hand in fucking hand! And she hated it!”
