Page 132 of Lead Us To Temptation

“It’s getting late, we should get inside.” I tossed her water bottle and she caught it,

“Oh please you just don’t want to lose again.”

I laughed,

“Oh really, because according to my memory, you lost eight times compared to my measly three.” I unscrewed the cap on my water bottle as she punched my shoulder.

“That is not true! I demand a final match!”

Of course, you do princess.

“Maybe tomorrow, but for now let’s get you inside and get you something to eat.” I draped my arm over her shoulder and led her back to the house.

“What should we do for dinner?” She asked as she tossed her water bottle into the sink.

“What are you craving?”

“I could honestly go for Chinese food.”

I nodded towards her,

“Chinese it is then.”

She smiled as she made her way over to grab her purse,

“Why don’t you go and shower while I go and get dinner,” I said as I gently pried the bag from her hand, placing it back on the kitchen island.

“Trying to keep me hidden away are you?” Catalina said as she wrapped her arms around my neck. A playful smile accentuated her face.

“Never. I just like seeing you relaxed.”

Seeing her relaxed put me at ease. Knowing she wasn’t upset or angry but just content, seeing her calm helped me stay calm. Seeing her happy made me happy.

“The usual right?” I asked as she pulled back.

She nodded her head and I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her into me, and gently kissed her. She tasted so damn sweet. Like strawberries on a summer day.

I love this. I love being able to do this.

She pulled away and gave me a slight nudge towards the door,

“Go I’ll be here when you get back and be careful.”

“Always.” I placed a kiss on the top of her hand and walked out the door.

This was right. Being here. Being with her. I wasn’t afraid to be honest and open with her and she was always there, ready to listen. She wasn’t afraid of me. She wasn’t frightened or appalled by me or the things I had done. I missed her so much when I was gone. I regretted leaving the moment I walked out that door. I should’ve stayed, I told her she was worth fighting for and I fucking left. I wouldn’t do it again. I needed her then and I need her now.

* * *

Catalina’s POV

I must’ve taken a longer shower than I thought because when I finished in the shower, got dressed, and went downstairs, Lucifer was already back. Eight cartons of food were splayed out on the island. He must have heard me coming down the stairs because as soon as I got off the final step he turned around. Those dark lustful eyes widened as he took me in.

Shit, I forgot.

“Is that your natural hair?” He asked quietly.

I walked over and grabbed two plates from the cabinet and gently placed them on the island.