Page 122 of Lead Us To Temptation

“Let me make one thing clear, She might not be mine, but I am hers whether she knows it or not and I will defend her against anything or anyone that seeks to harm her. Even my own flesh and blood.”

As would I brother.

“You know damn well I would never allow anyone to harm her.”

“I trust you won’t harm her Gabriel but I do not trust Micheal and you need to make sure he stays away from her.”

It’s a little late for that.

Lucifer began to stand up,

“Why do you even care?”

Lucifer looked at me. All that rage and anger from earlier was gone and now? Now longing and sadness were resting within them.

“It’s complicated.” His voice was low and soft as if it had pained him to say it.

“Of course it is,” I smirked, attempting to get some kind of reaction out of him. When he finally turned to me, I could still see the hurt and sadness lingering in his eyes but I could also tell he was trying his best to hold back,

“It doesn’t matter anymore, just keep her safe.”


Within seconds Lucifer was up and was halfway down the block. His head was hanging low as he brushed past people in his way. He honestly looked like a lost little puppy. Part of me felt awful for it. Seeing him like this was not a good feeling. I had seen him lash out in anger and level cities, I had seen him overpower men that towered over him, I’ve seen him laugh and smile but I had never seen him cry or be upset.

He’ll get over it.

* * *

Catalina’s POV

Everything was dark. I couldn’t see anything let alone my hands in front of my face. There was so much screaming. Men, Women, and children. Everyone was just screaming and screaming. I crouched down on the ground, covering my ears. The screaming was getting louder and louder. Then it stopped. Everything went quiet. I took a deep breath.






I removed my hands from my ears but there was something on my hands. They were wet and sticky. Whatever was on them was thick and warm. I ignited a small ember in between my hands to bring in some light.

I peered down at my hands.

Blood. So much blood. It was everywhere. There was so much of it. A small trail of it started leaking down my arms.

A sound of wings fluttering snapped me out of it, as I looked up I saw the tall dark man standing a few feet away from me.




I glanced down in the direction of the noise. The dark man held a sword that was covered in blood.