Page 120 of Lead Us To Temptation

Gabriel’s POV

“I apologize for how she acted, She has not been herself these past few weeks.”

Micheal finally turned back towards me,

“You were right brother, she is quite the brat but I can handle her.”

Micheal glanced back at the door as the sound of Catalina slamming the door reached us.

“Did you really find it necessary to put your blade against her throat?”

Of course, I had thought it was a bit excessive and it took everything in me to stay put when he did but Micheal had his methods and they worked. Plus he hadn’t harmed her.

“Did you see the slight fear in her eyes when she realized what happened?”

Of course, I did.

That orange hue in her eyes had slowly begun to rise to the surface but within seconds it was gone.

I nodded my head,

“And you’re positive she has Hellfire?”

“Yes Micheal, the Fates confirmed it.”

“And they confirmed she is the daughter of Cain?”

I nodded back at him.

“How interesting.”

Micheal paused for a moment, staring at the pathway Catalina had walked back to the house as if he was convinced he could summon her back just by looking, and then glared back at me,

“Now we need to know who exactly gave her that gift.”

“The vision was clouded, the person who gave her the gift was covered in shadows but all we know is the person was female.”

“And Lucifer did not recognize her voice?”

“If he did then his acting skills seem to have gotten better because he didn’t seem to recognize the voice.”

Knowing the person who gave Catalina her gift was female didn’t help much but it eliminated a good amount of suspects from Micheal’s list.

“I expect better behavior from her tomorrow Gabriel.” I nodded at him as Micheal launched himself into the sky and was gone within seconds.

How the fuck am I gonna get her to behave tomorrow?

I was sure they would eventually get along. If Catalina could fucking have a bond with Lucifer then she should be able to get along with Micheal just fine. All they needed was a little time to get to know each other better.

The feeling of my phone vibrating in my pocket startled me, I expected to see a text about how much of an ass Micheal was from Catalina.

Meet me @ Diablos in 20 minutes. It’s urgent
