His? What the fuck are they talking about?
I stood up off the floor and grabbed Lucifer’s hand to steady myself as I got between the two of them and pushed them apart. A sibling brawl was something I didn’t expect to happen today.
“Alright, you two I don’t know what happened but you two need to cut the shit before someone else gets hurt.”
Without taking his eyes off Gabriel, Lucifer spoke,
“Take a walk, Gabriel.”
Gabriel looked at Lucifer and then back to me. His gaze shifted down as he took notice of my hand in Lucifer’s.
Shit, I forgot I was still holding his hand.
Lucifer’s grip on my hand slightly tightened as Gabriel stormed past us and walked out. Slamming the front door behind him.
“I should probably go after him and make sure he’s alright.” I let go of his hand and made my way to the door when I felt a slight tug on my hand.
“We need to talk.” His eyes softened as I felt him wrap his pinky around mine. I gave him a small smile,
“When I get back we’ll talk okay?”
He nodded his head and opened the door for me,
“Just be careful okay,”
I nodded my head as he gently shut it once I was outside.
* * *
He really should find a new spot to mope in.
This was Gabriel’s favorite spot to be when he was angry. It was a good twenty-minute walk from the house but with the wings, he could be here in less than two minutes. There was a boulder that he liked to sit on overlooking the small creek. Gabriel always said the soft sounds of the outdoors always seemed to calm him. It helped him sort through all the voices and distractions that crowded his head.
“Are you alright?” I asked him, staying a good distance away. Just in case.
I watched as his shoulders rise and fall as he took a deep breath,
“I’m sorry for how I acted at the house. I didn’t mean to lash out like that at you.”
Cautiously, I walked over and took the seat beside him on the boulder,
“Gabriel, what happened?” Gabriel never lashed out like that. He was always better at keeping his emotions in check so for him to lose control like that, Whatever made him lose control like that it had to be something serious.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he answered,
“Ever since I have known you, all I’ve wanted to do is protect you and keep you safe.” He paused but I knew he had more to say.
“Do you know why my brother was cast out?”
Strange question.
I shook my head. I’ve never really been one for biblical stories, even though my mother tried her best to drill them into my head. All those years forcing me to go to church, to then go home and sit and listen to her read the bible for hours. Honestly, I was glad I learned how to tone her out yet she never touched on Lucifer’s story all that much.
“A few years after our father and the other gods created you mortals, some rumors had begun to spread about Lucifer. Rumors that he thought humans were not perfect enough, a flawed and broken creation, and that he hated them. Some shit went down and our father and brother Micheal decided Lucifer was too much of a risk especially with how powerful he was becoming. So they decided to lock him out of his home and deny him entry to ours.”
Gabriel took another deep breath and I could tell this was difficult for him. I grasped his hand as he continued,
“Lucifer was angry for so many years, but mortals were safe, Hell was closed off and his power was gone. We could rest knowing he was no longer a risk, but with Lucifer stuck here we were always on edge about what he would do, but without access to Hell or his power, he was essentially just a mortal with anger issues and we’d be able to handle him.”