“It is my business when you bring them into my home!” he shouted
“It’s my business when you drink eighty bottles of my wine in three months!” Gabriel walked closer to me,
“It is my business when one of them leaves you for dead in the middle of your room!”
He’s still not over that…
Weeks ago I hooked up with Jason? Tanner? Caleb? Honestly, I couldn’t remember his name but what I did remember was drinking and taking some pills the guy had given me before we hooked up. Gabriel found me the next day on the floor unconscious, my body covered in bruises. I didn’t know what happened and honestly, I didn’t want to know.
Gabriel placed his hands on the island, grasping the counter so tightly his knuckles turned ghostly white.
“Catalina, it has been three months. Now I get you’re going through a rough patch and I understand it but I will not allow you to destroy yourself more than you already have.”
“I am not destroying myself,” I whispered hoping to reign his temper in a little bit.
“YOU ARE DRUNK MORNING, NOON AND NIGHT! AND WHEN YOU’RE NOT DRUNK YOU’RE EITHER SLEEPING OR FUCKING!” Gabriel shouted. I had nothing to say. Nothing that could make him calm down. I had never seen Gabriel that angry before. That was raw anger and pain. I hated it. I hated that I was the cause of his anger.
Gabriel sighed as he walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, pulling me close to him.
“Things have to change Catalina. Soon. Because I will not sit back and watch you kill yourself.”
I hated seeing him like this.
“I’m not killing myself, Gabriel,” I whispered against his chest.
“But you are. Slowly. Very slowly you are killing yourself,”
“What do you suggest I do Gabriel?” I asked as his hands slightly tightened around me.
“ You need help, Catalina.”
I slowly began to untangle myself from him.
“I don’t need help Gabriel, I can take care of myself.” I started to walk back to my room. completely over this conversation. But Gabriel lightly gripped my wrist and pulled me back
“Not like this. You can’t take care of yourself, not in this condition.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“Talk to someone. If you won’t talk to me maybe there’s a therapist that can help-”
“You know how I feel about therapists.” I cut him off. I hated therapists. The ones I had seen were by my school and they didn’t do shit to help me when I needed them. They listened for all of an hour, got their check, and went about their day. They never did anything or took anything I said seriously.
“Please just try Catalina.” Gabriel pleaded and I saw the anger in his eyes was gone and replaced with sorrow.
“Fine,” I said as Gabriel pulled me into another embrace.
“I’ll get it set up while you go and wash up and when you get back we’ll go eat.”
Gabriel let me go and I made my way back to my room and into the shower. Maybe Gabriel was right. Maybe if I talk to someone about this everything will be okay. Maybe after this things will get better. Maybe things would be different this time. Hopefully.
Chapter 3
Catalina’s POV