* * *
“You did well this round. If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were trying to kill me.”
Was it even possible to kill an archangel?
“Out of curiosity how would I theoretically kill you?”
Lucifer smirked as he unwrapped the tape from his dagger,
“Planning to kill me already princess?”
“First off I thought I told you to stop calling me that, and second, I just like to be well-informed in case you piss me off some more.”
“Very well. There are only really two ways to kill my kind, a direct hit to the heart or decapitation.”
“That easy?”
I thought it would take more than a simple stab to bring down an archangel.
Apparently not.
Lucifer’s lips tilted in a slight smile,
“Our grace is stored in our heart and courses through our veins just like blood but for you, blood is what keeps you alive, for us it’s our grace. If our heart stops beating our grace stops, and we die.”
“And the decapitation?”
“We unfortunately cannot grow back limbs, take our head off and we die. Simple as that.”
“So if I stabbed you in the head or face?”
“It wouldn’t kill me, it would piss me off and weaken me a bit but not kill me.”
“What happens to the grace in your heart then?”
Lucifer shrugged,
“No one knows.”
Well, that’s helpful.
“The scars on your chest, how did you get them?”
Lucifer had beaten me in our final training session and even though I was thoroughly exhausted, I couldn’t stop thinking about the scars I’d seen on him. Even though they were healed they somehow still looked painful. As if he could still feel the sting of them. The almost pink slashes danced across his upper chest and lower abdomen. Some even went as far as his sides. Each cut was different as if done with a different blade each time.
“I have many scars from many things. Battle. War. Torture-”
Torture? He has been tortured?
“You’ve been tortured?”
Lucifer nodded his head. I expected to see some kind of resistance from him. I expected him to shut down and push me away but he didn’t.
“It was many, many years ago, Long before I fell. When I fought back to back with my brothers.”
“What were you fighting?”