“Why am I not surprised that you own a dagger.”

“It’s a dangerous world out there, especially for women nowadays. I carry it around for safety purposes.”

Anything could happen nowadays. Having that dagger on me at all times gave me a slight peace of mind and comfort. It gave Gabriel peace of mind as well. Knowing that if all else failed I had a weapon just within reach.

“But do you know how to use it?”

Did he think I carried it around for aesthetics?

“Of course I do!”

“Prove it.” Lucifer stood and pointed to a tree 30 yards away.

“Hit the tree.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“Afraid you’ll prove me right?”

I stood and pulled my dagger out of my bag I took a moment to steady myself and focused on the one single target I had. I pulled my arm back and threw it.


I watched as the dagger went blade-first into a bush.

Well, that sucked.

I expected some kind of laugh or smart-ass remark from him, instead, he walked over to the bush my dagger had embedded itself in and handed it back to me.

“You’ve got good form, you just need to practice how much force you put into throwing and where to aim.”

He walked over, placing the dagger back in my hand.

“If you want I can show you how to wield this properly, so long as you promise not to use my face as a target.”

I grinned at him. As much as he pissed me off and despite how much I actually wouldn’t mind using his face as a target, I couldn’t deny that Lucifer was…devilishly handsome. It would be a shame to mark up such a handsome face.

“I think I would like that very much.”

A soft smile appeared on his face and he made his way to his gym bag and pulled out his own dagger. A silver blade with a twisted matte black hilt and some inscription on it. It was honestly quite a beautiful weapon. A beautiful weapon for a beautiful man.

“We’ll go easy for today just so I can get a sense of where you are.” He tossed a roll of tape at me,

“Tape the point so you don’t hurt yourself.”

“I’m not going to hurt myself,” I said as I caught the roll of tape just as it was about to land in front of me.

“Humor me then.”

“Fine.” I grabbed the tape and slowly began to wrap the tip of my dagger.

“Just remember to breathe if you start to get angry.”

I nodded.

“Are you ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”