I watched as she slowly closed her doubtful eyes.


She inhaled and exhaled


Her shoulders began to relax


Her face softened


She began to un-clenched her fists


Her eyes opened. No hint of orange in sight.

“Are you ready?”

She nodded back at me,

“Do your worst.”

* * *

Catalina’s POV:

Lucifer immediately went on the offensive so I was stuck being on the defense.


Before I could even blink he was standing right in front of me.

Damn, he’s fast.

He tried to go for the same maneuver as earlier to knock me down on my ass, I caught his arm and tossed him back a few inches. It wasn’t a great move but it put some distance between us. Within seconds he was on me again, this time he went for a punch but I was able to back away at the last second before he connected with my face. He was relentless and just kept going. I backed up a step, ducking low to avoid yet another punch. I managed to raise my foot, hoping to at least kick him back and put more distance between us. Lucifer’s hand gripped my calf. I expected him to push off, forcing me to land on my back. Instead, he pulled me in close, until he was a few mere inches from me. Lucifer’s dark eyes roamed over my face and I could feel his fingers tighten even more around my calf.

“I win,” Lucifer said with a cruel cold smile plastered on his face.

I win? What the hell does he mean?

I didn’t have time to react as Lucifer’s fist connected to my cheek. A familiar warmth dripped down my jaw after his fist managed to connect.

Fucking Bastard!

“Breath or you’ll be on your fucking ass again,” he whispered as he tried to land another blow to my face.




Dodge again.