We turned around and saw Catalina standing at the bottom of the staircase. Dressed in one of my shirts that looked enormous on her, her hair was pushed to the side and damn me but she was twirling that one stubborn piece of her again. She looked adorable.
Catalina walked over and laid her hand on top of Gabriel’s,
“Come with us.”
Gabriel looked at Catalina and then at me,
“It is your choice brother but you will always be welcome in our home.”
Catalina smiled as she glanced back at me,
“Our home. I like the sound of that.”
As do I my MorningStar.
Gabriel rolled his eyes, a slight smile tugged on his lips,
“Fine, I’ll go with you two, on the condition that the walls are sound-proof and everyone agrees to have clothes on at all times.”
Catalina laughed as I answered him,
“I’ll be sure to make those accommodations for you.”
“Can’t make any promises on the clothing part.” Catalina cut in to say as Gabriel rolled his eyes again.
“Well, I guess I should start packing then.”
Catalina perked up and began to make her way back to the staircase,
“Oh I can help-”
“I can pack my damn bags Catalina.” Gabriel smiled at Catalina who had a bright, gleaming smile on her face as well.
Gabriel walked up and placed a kiss on top of Catalina’s head, roughing up her hair as he began to walk toward his room.
“Be ready in twenty minutes!” I yelled out as he disappeared from the staircase.
As soon as Gabriel was out of sight my eyes locked on Catalina as she walked over and sat in my lap. Straddling me.
My arms instantly went around her waist,
“So you want to live with me? In Hell?”
“I want to be with you and if that means living in Hell then so be it,” she responded as she ran her fingers through my hair. She hesitated for a brief moment before she continued,
“You and Gabriel are my family besides Cain. The only family I have. As long as I have you two by my side, I know I can handle anything.”
I smiled at her confession. I wanted to tell her that she didn’t need us to to able to do whatever she wished. That she could do anything, accomplish anything she wanted all on her own. But what she had referred to us as.
She saw us as a family.
“Then shall we pack our bags, my Queen.”
Catalina smiled brightly as I picked her up and carried her to our room.
“Let’s go home, my King.”