He ignored me and continued to make his way closer to the creek.
“GABRIEL!” I shouted at him. He wasn’t going to ignore me like we were children. He wanted to talk, then we were going to fucking talk.
“You need to leave Lucifer.”
“I’m not leaving.”
Gabriel turned and looked at me,
“You don’t have a choice.”
The hell I do!
“You didn’t tell her the entire truth about that vision, did you?”
I hadn’t. I told Gabriel the truth that day. I wanted her feelings for me to be genuine and if I told her about what her mother had been shown and told about what she would be like, why she was so worried, It would destroy her. She would be afraid and believe there was something wrong with her and shit it might have been selfish but I worried she would also be afraid of me. She would push me away and I didn’t want that. I didn’t want to be apart from her.
“What do you want, Gabriel?”
He stiffened,
“I’m feeling generous so I’ll give you two options. You can leave and let Catalina live a normal, human life or I’ll go right to Catalina and tell her what you left out. That you are the reason her mother didn’t want her. And since we both know how she feels about being lied to, we both know she will never want to see you again.”
“Why are you doing this Gabriel?”
He turned away from me.
Gabriel turned silent and once again looked away from me.
He’s hiding something.
“What do you know Gabriel?”
“Gabriel. What. Do.You.Know!”
If she’s in trouble and he knows something and won’t tell me-
“I am keeping Catalina safe. And keeping her safe means keeping her away from you. If you want her to be safe then you’ll go. I’ll give you an hour to come up with your answer.”
He had no right. He had no right to try and push me out of Catalina’s life. If she was in trouble it was better for me to be at her side where I could keep an eye on her to make sure she was okay. But if keeping her away from me was the only way to keep her safe then-
I didn’t want to be apart from her. I wanted to be with her every single day. I wanted her by my side.
But if Gabriel told her the rest of the vision…
She would hate me.