Page 95 of Dirty Lawyer

“Understood.” We disconnect, and I call Cat.

“Hey,” she says. “Your mom’s plane just took off.”

“Kelli Ward is about to confess.”

“Why do you sound so unhappy about this?”

“They’re going to come at Nelson for covering it up. Or so Royce’s insider tells me.”

“Did he?”

“No. I don’t believe he did. I believe he was in love and oblivious, much like my mother for all of these years. Now you know what you’re writing about for tomorrow.”

“And what will be consuming you. Don’t you have that old friend that needs attention?”

“The corporate division is going after the people who got him into the mess he’s in. I need to go. I’ll call you later.” I start to hang up but stop. “Cat.”


“I talk to you about my work.”

“What about it?”

“I talk to you about my work. I don’t want to stop. I need to have you sign a more extensive consulting agreement than the one you signed for the Ward case. More all-inclusive. Do you have a problem with that?”

“No. Of course not. I was actually going to suggest we do that. To protect everyone involved.”

“I’ll bring it home.”

“Home.” She laughs. “Yes. Bring it home, Reese.”

I smile. “Bye, sweetheart.” I hang up and stand, crossing my office, and passing Maria’s desk. “I’ll be upstairs in corporate.”

I take the stairs, not the elevator, and walk upstairs into the office of the senior partner who heads up that division. I don’t ask his secretary to enter. I just pass her by and enter his office. Kent, who is as good a friend as two workaholics can be, the same age as me, and just as aggressive as me, looks up from his desk. “What’s up, man?”

“That Allen case I have you working. How’s it looking?”

“Just digging in. You said I had two weeks to get your answer. Why?”

“Ward’s wife is confessing and they are going to try to get him for covering it up. I’m going to be buried again.”

“I’ve got this,” he says, running a hand through his dark hair. “I’m going to unbury everyone involved in this firm, and their illegal operations, use it to get your guy an out, and hand that to you to voodoo it away with the Feds.”

“This guy is a good guy,” I say. “I don’t want him fucked. I’m trusting you.”

“This is me you’re talking to,” Kent says. “I’ll get them. I’m a master at digging up dirt that others think can’t be dug up.”

“My guy doesn’t sign a release. Bluff them and sue the fuck out of them for putting him through this. And while you do that, I’m going to hand every dirty secret you find over to the Feds.”

“Now we’re talking. I love when we throw down.”

I exit his office and head back down to mine, passing Maria as she mumbles in Spanish again. I re-enter my office, with another spurt of phone calls driven my way, and it’s not long until I get the one I expect. The police want to question Nelson Ward again. I set the meeting and text Cat, giving her the heads-up. Because Cat has become a part of every inch of my life. I really don’t remember a few weeks ago before she was with me, and I don’t want to try.

Chapter thirty-five


One month later…