Page 88 of Dirty Lawyer

“We need someone we trust.”

I narrow my eyes on him. “What’s going on?”

“Dad wants to make peace.”

“So he sends you, who hasn’t made peace.”

“I’m here.”

“Because he sent you.”


“Yes,” I say.

“I think you’re wasting your skills.”

“I think you’re a jerk who doesn’t care about anything but your own agenda,” I say. “Why do I matter?”

“It’s a family business. You’re my sister.”

“What is really going on here?” I demand.

“Dad might have had a mini-stroke.”

“What?” I shout, feeling as if I’ve been punched. “When?”

“Two weeks ago.”

“Two weeks ago?!”

Gabe comes walking back in the room. “Reid, you have to read this.”

“Dad had a stroke?” I demand of Gabe.

“Fuck, man,” he says to Reid. “You couldn’t wait on me?”

“You weren’t here,” Reid says.

“You didn’t have a friend with a tragedy,” I accuse of Gabe. “It was Dad.”

“Both,” Gabe says. “I had both happen.”

“Why didn’t both or one of you call me?”

“He wouldn’t let us,” Reid says. “And he’s fine. He’s back at work.”

“He doesn’t want me back in his life, does he? You two just think you can use this to get me back into the circle.”

“This should be a wake-up call,” Reid says.

“You asshole!” I yell. “Mom died of a stroke. You don’t use this as leverage.”

“I told him that,” Gabe says. “I think you should keep doing what you’re doing.” He looks at Reid. “Read the fucking letter.”

Reid snatches it up and starts reading while Gabe looks at me. “Dad’s been stressed, on edge more than usual. We don’t know why, but maybe it was the stroke coming on. He’s fine though. He’s going to take a trip with some woman he’s seeing for the holidays and take time off work.”

“If you don’t agree with Reid, then why are you here?”