Page 75 of Dirty Lawyer

“Yes, according to the timeline I’ve been given.”

“Are you being truthful with us today?” Dan asks.

“Of course,” she states.

“Did you tell your husband that you wanted to confess your conversation with Ms. Wright, or did he tell you to confess?”

“As I stated, I wanted to confess.”

They go back and forth for an hour until the prosecution takes his seat. I stand up. “Judge, permission to redirect requested”

“I’ll allow,” the judge states and Dan remains silent.

I immediately focus on Kelli. “Where was your husband at the time of the murder, as stated by law enforcement?”

“Asleep in bed.”

“Where were you?’

“Also asleep.”

I sit down. Dan stands up. “Judge permission to recross.”

“Objection,” I say. “He had his time.”

“The jury needs the facts,” the judge replies. “Recross allowed.”

Dan moves quickly to questioning Kelli. “Could your husband have left the house while you slept, without you knowing?”

“Yes, but—”

“That’s all,” Dan says, and he sits back down.

I stand. “Judge permission-”

“Last time counselor. This is it. Make it good.”

“Objection,” Dan shouts.

“You’re late,” the judge says. “I’ve granted his request. Make it quick, Mr. Summer.”

I nod and look at Kelli. “Have you ever left the house while your husband was asleep without him knowing?”

“Well, I—”

“Yes or no.”

“I— Yes.”

I look at the judge. “The witness is dismissed.”

The judge looks at Dan, and he approves. I stand now and make my declaration: “The defense rests its case.”

The judge looks at his watch. “It’s now ten-thirty a.m. In the interest of time and the weekend, we’ll break for a thirty-minute lunch and proceed with closing statements.” He hits the gavel on the block.

The courtroom erupts in voices and movement, and I, along with my team and client, head toward the door, while I prepare for the war I’m about to fight. Nelson and Kelli are guided into the conference room first, and as soon as I step inside, Kelli slaps me in the face. “You bastard.”

She tries to slap me again, and I catch her arm. “What are you mad about? You just ensured your husband’s freedom.”