Page 202 of Dirty Lawyer

“All of the above and tough as nails. She can handle him and then some.”

“That’s good. Really good. What about you? Any special woman these days?”

“Never. I’m not that guy.”

“Reid said the same thing,” I remind him.

“Reid and I are not as alike as Reid likes to think.”

I’m curious about all that I obviously don’t know about my brother. He’s a funny guy and yet, he’s clearly cold beneath that humor. Reid is Reid. Hard and harder, but Gabe’s not that simple. He’s right. They aren’t so alike. The sound of the front door opening has me standing up as Reese calls out, “I’m here!”

I shove off my stool and race to greet him, finding him positively perfection in faded jeans and a T-shirt. I push to my toes, kiss him and then lower my voice to say, “Your last birthday before you’re a father.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Gabe rounds the corner and greets Reese, and I leave the two men to chat. I have a gift to add a few final touches to. I hurry upstairs, shut the bedroom door, and pull out the bound notebook I had all of my journal entries laminated inside. I then go to the bed and pull out a custom-made box that has “Dad to Be” all over it, insert the notebook and then seal it with a combo of pink and blue ribbons.

I didn’t give him his baby news for his birthday. but I’m going to give him the gift of knowing that nothing he feared was on my mind over Debbie was really on my mind. Everything I was thinking was about us and our growing family.

Two hours later, the party is in full gear, my gorgeous husband is the center of attention, and we are surrounded by friends; Lauren and Royce, Cole and Lori, being the ones who stay close to us, above all others. It’s almost time for cake and gifts. I want mine to come first. I grab his hand. “Come with me,” I say.

His eyes light with mischief. “Why?” he whispers, leaning in close. “What are you going to do to me?”

I laugh and give him my back while tugging on his hand. With a quick rush through the crowd, I lead the way to our bedroom and once we’re there, I point to the chair. “Go. Sit. Shut your eyes.”

“Should we do this while the guests are downstairs?”

“Yes. Because we aren’t doing what you keep hinting at. Go sit, husband.”

He kisses me and does as ordered. “Shut your eyes.”

“Okay. Eyes shut, sweetheart.”

I grab the box and set it on Reese’s lap. I sit down next to him. “Okay. Your gift that was supposed to be part of the baby news.”

He opens his eyes and smiles at the box. “Future dad. That I am.”

He opens the lid and pulls out the book, giving me a curious look. “When I found out I was pregnant and decided not to tell you right away, I started writing down all of my thoughts so you’d know you didn’t miss anything.”

He flips it open and starts to read before glancing over at me. “This is perfect, Cat. Absolutely perfect.”

“Now you know Debbie wasn’t on my mind.”

He leans over and kisses me. “Perfect. Like you.”

“Some of my thoughts are pretty silly when I read them now. You’ll get a few laughs.”

He refocuses on the book and flips to a random page and gives me one of those laughs now. “You wondered if you tasted differently?”

My cheeks actually heat on that one. “I—well—yes. I did.”

He sets the book aside. “No, you do not, but why don’t I make sure right now.”

I squeeze my legs together. “No. Not now. And it’s your birthday. I do you.”

He stands up and pulls me to my feet. “We do us, sweetheart.”

“And baby Olive.”