I glance at the parents and arch a brow. “We’ll handle her,” her father says.
They stand up and I escort them to the lobby. They’re in the conference room for all of five minutes before they exit with Debbie between them, and leave.
I walk to Gabe’s office. “It’s done.”
Reese and I end up at his office with his team and game plan for hours. When finally we head home, we both change into sweats and tees and he now sits across from me at the island in the kitchen working, and with him sitting across from me, I should be writing my column, but instead, I write in my baby journal.
Dear husband;
You’re sitting across from me right now, focused on your work, preparing to win in court tomorrow. I love these times when we sit across from each other in two work worlds, but in the same space. Today is on my mind. It started with me sick and you finding me on the bathroom floor and scooping me up and carrying me to our bed. I so wanted to tell you our news then. I felt protected and loved, the way I know you will make our child feel.
I had this experience to cling to when we were on our way to court and you got that call. You are why I survived this. Because you’re giving me no reason to fear we aren’t us anymore and every reason to love you and us. Proven again today when you pulled me in that office and told me how much you needed me with you. That meant everything to me. It was a hard day, but a big day. The day you made big waves in court. There were many things that happened today that were challenging but all day I kept thinking about being sick and falling asleep on the bathroom floor, and you scooping me up and carrying me to bed. Any fear you have ever had that anyone could convince me you were less than perfect are misplaced. You show me you are my partner and friend every day.
I remember sitting in court and watching the way you rose to the challenge, despite all this day held, and I know you will rise to the challenge of being that good at parenting. I’m growing impatient for your birthday. I want to tell you now, but I want this to be special for you. So very special. For us. I want it to be special for us, so I’m going to keep writing, and anxiously waiting to share our news with you. —Love, Cat
The doorbell rings and I stand up. “I’ll get it.” I round the island and Reese is already on his feet catching my arm, stepping in front of me. “Cat, you don’t need to be answering the door on your own. “
“We have security, Reese. It’s fine.”
“No. It’s not. Not now. I need you to be extra cautious.”
He didn’t send me away, but I get that he’s still worried. “Yes. I’m sorry.”
He kisses me. “I’ll get the door.” He releases me and heads out of the room.
The sound of Reid’s and Gabe’s voices mingling with Reese’s tell me who our visitors are. Another minute and I am surrounded by testosterone and Reese is beside me with my brothers across from me. “It’s over,” Reid says. “I called Debbie’s parents and they’re getting her out of town. They’re good people who were appalled. They are taking her out of state and sending me proof when she gets there.”
“It’s over?” I ask, stunned.
“You’re sure?” Reese asks.
“Yes,” Reid states. “Very sure.”
“Reid kicked ass,” Gabe interjects. “He was angry when we left and he made that work.”
Reid and I have been so broken and he did this for me. He fought for me. I round the island and he turns to face me. I don’t give him time to back away. I fling my arms around him and hug him, and to my surprise, he holds me and not gently. He holds on like he was really afraid of losing me and he’s been lost to me for so long, that I actually start to cry.
Debbie gave me a gift. She gave me my brother back.
Chapter seventy-eight
We’re still in the kitchen and I’ve just finished hugging Reid and Gabe to thank them for helping us end this Debbie nightmare when the doorbell rings. Reese heads to the door to answer it and when I round the island Reid looks at me. “Why do you look different?” he asks.
“You do look different,” Gabe comments. “New hair or something.”
Just a baby growing in my belly, I think, shocked that my brothers notice the change. “You two are just actually looking at me for once.”
“Ouch,” Gabe says. “I don’t deserve that, but Reid does.”
Reese re-enters the kitchen with Royce on his heels. “Royce has more news,” Reese announces, joining me on the opposite side of the island, his hand settling on my lower back.
“Our men were watching the motel Debbie’s cohort, Wilson Moore, has been hiding out in,” Royce states. “He ordered pizza and got his ass kicked instead. My man probably saved his life. He’s in an ambulance on the way to the ER now. He’s not going to be a problem in the immediate future.”
“Really,” Gabe says dryly. “How inconvenient for him.”