“Don’t speculate,” I say. “We’ll know in a few minutes and I’d rather know in chambers than in court if we have a problem.”
She stops walking and lets me pull ahead. Sixty seconds later, I’m stepping into the judge’s chambers. He’s behind his desk, not yet in his robes. “Sit, Mr. Summer.”
I claim the seat in front of his heavy mahogany desk, bookshelves with law volumes on my left and right. “Your honor,” I say.
He tosses an envelope in front of me. I open it and pull out a photo of me that has writing on it in red pen that reads, “Pig. Liar. Bastard. Cheater.” I suck in a breath and look up at him. “What is this?”
“You tell me. It was delivered to my office while we were in court this morning.”
Debbie, I think, and she most definitely has a partner. I stick the photo back in the envelope. “Is this confidential?”
“Yes. Speak freely.”
“A few years ago I had a stalker who faded away. She’s back and I’ve hired private security, but obviously, she’s not dissuaded. I don’t want to delay the trial, but extra security wouldn’t be a bad idea.”
“Understood and as long as I feel no one else is in danger, we’ll continue. But are you in danger, Mr. Summer?”
“I’m not concerned about me, I’m concerned about my wife.”
“What do you need from me?”
“Nothing. Not unless you have a tip as to how I convince her to leave town.”
He chuckles. “Been married twenty years, son. Never convinced my wife to do what she’s dead set on not doing, but I’ll recess the afternoon to give you a chance to try. Go. Do what you can to protect her.”
“Thank you, your honor.” I stand and head for the door, dialing Royce as I do.
“We’re recessing for the afternoon. I need to see you at my place, immediately. There’s a development.”
“I’ll be there.”
“Can you tell Savage to get Cat and meet me at the side door?”
I disconnect and exit to the hallway and Elsa and Richard are waiting. “Well?” Elsa asks.
“The judge is recessing for the afternoon. Be at my place at seven.” I walk past them and enter the conference room, where Dana is once again pacing.
“Afternoon recess. Use it wisely.” I turn and exit to find Elsa and Richard standing in front of us.
“Why are we recessing?”
As it stands they know nothing of the extra security for any reason other than Dana’s getting a lot of hate. “A personal situation, per the judge.” I turn away from them on that statement that isn’t a lie. I didn’t say who had the personal situation and they’ll assume it was the judge.
I’m out of the hallway quickly cutting left and when I arrive at the door, Cat’s not there yet. I turn and wait, watching her appear in the corridor with Savage, the sway of her hips mesmerizing. I watch her every step, and when she’s in front of me, I kiss her and lead her to the vehicle. Once we’re in the backseat with Savage behind the wheel he claimed from one of his co-workers, I drag Cat to me and kiss her. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing you can’t solve,” I assure her, before pressing my lips to her ear. “Once I’m inside you, and I will be soon.”
Chapter sixty-eight
The minute Reese and I are in the back of the SUV with Savage in the front seat, I ask the question, “Why did court dismiss? What’s going on?”
“There was a delivery to the judge, meant for me,” he says and holds up a finger. “Hold on, sweetheart.” He looks to the front seat. “Savage, before you drive, you need to see this.” He pulls an envelope with the photo from his briefcase and hands it to Savage before turning to me. “A photo of me with words written over the top of it. It’s an obvious threat.”
“Debbie,” I say. “She’s telling you she’ll go public. Gabe was right. She’ll do it just to get us to pay her off and make her go away.”