Page 127 of Dirty Lawyer

“Nothing yet, but I wanted to let you know that we have men following him when he leaves.”

I nod and step around them all, heading toward the end of the hallway as Cat steps into view. I motion her forward and into a private office. “What’s going on?” she asks as I shut us inside.

“There’s a woman here today, that could be a problem.”

Her brows furrow. “What woman?”

“Five years ago a woman I showed fleeting interest in turned into a stalker situation. She was everywhere I went. I slept with the woman twice and she was obsessed with me. It looked to turn nasty and I was about to take further action when she just stopped. She went away.”

“And she’s here?”

“Yes. Which probably means nothing because she looks like she’s about six months pregnant. She could be here for something else, but since this was a problem in the past, I wanted you to know and to be careful.”

“Pregnant,” she breathes out. “In a pink dress?”

“Yes,” I say, alarmed now. “Why?”

“She was in the park. She was watching me. I think she was there when we were there together. Or maybe not. I noticed her after you left.”

“Fuck. Let me grab Royce.” I open the door and step outside to thankfully find Royce walking by. “We need you.”

He joins us in the office and I update him. “I’m concerned for Cat.”

“She didn’t try and approach me,” Cat says, “and I really hate that this is happening now, during the trial.”

“What better time to gain attention,” Royce comments.

“Where’s the guy the baby belongs to?” Reese says. “I mean she should be focused the hell on him.”

“If they broke up,” Royce says, “she could be reverting back to a prior obsession. I need a name and all the details you can tell me about her. We’ll do a background check and find out everything about her we can while you’re in court.”

“She’s an interior designer that remodeled our offices five years ago,” Reese says. “Miller Designs. Her name is Debbie Miller.”

“How bad did the stalking get?” Royce asks.

“Gifts on my desk she shouldn’t have been able to get to. Showing up at restaurants where I had meetings. Infesting my favorite coffee shop to the point that I stopped going. I could go on.”

“Behavior that indicates this isn’t a coincidence or to be dismissed,” Royce says, then turns his attention to Cat. “The fact that she was watching you bothers me the most. You need to wait for me, or one of my men, to escort you everywhere right now. Even to the bathroom.”

Cat nods. “Yes. Okay. What about protecting Reese?”

“We’ll be with him at all times as well,” Royce assures her before running down a few other safety measures with us and then leaves us alone. I step to Cat and settle my hands on her shoulders. “It’s probably nothing.”

“It’s not nothing,” she says, her hands settling on my chest. “I’m worried about her trying to shoot you or something.”

“She’s not going to shoot me.”

“That stuff happens,” she says. “It happens.” She presses her hands to her stomach. “I’m sick.” She twists away from me and sits down, pressing her hands to her face.

I kneel beside her. “Sweetheart.”

She looks up at me, tears in her eyes that are very out of character. “Talk to me.”

“I’m just—I’m sick and it’s bad timing to be this kind of sick. This isn’t how I wanted this to go for us.”

“How you wanted what to go?”

She presses her hand to my cheek. “Go win this case, but damn it, stay alive. I can’t live without you.”