Page 112 of Dirty Lawyer

“Done. Already sent to my editor. How are things there?”

“We’re going to head to the apartment around three. Does that work for you?”

“Works great. How are you feeling about everything?”

“Like hell.”

“You always say that right before trial and it’s never hell.”

“Keep reminding me,” he says. “I need to hear it right now. I’ll see you soon.”

We disconnect and I press my hand to my belly. Is there a baby growing in my belly? Reese’s baby. I walk back into the bathroom and check the stick and then read the box just to make sure I’m not confused. The test still reads pregnant. I bag up the test and stuff it at the bottom of the trash. Lauren still hasn’t called me back so I just decide to go to her office which is in the same building where she lives. I need advice. I need to tell someone I trust. I need to tell my husband but no matter what, before his opening statement is not the time. But when is?

Thirty minutes later, I find Lauren’s office dark but Walker Security, just next door is open. After being told by the receptionist that Lauren is having lunch in the conference room, I invite myself to go on back. I poke my head in the door to be suffocated by testosterone, as not one but six men, all about as big and intimidating as Royce—who is a bear of a man—sit around the pretty, petite brunette Lauren.

“Cat,” she says, her eyes going wide. “What’s wrong?”

“I’ve been calling and texting you. I need you.”

“Oh God. Sorry. The little one dropped my phone in the toilet this morning.” She stands up and I step into the hallway.

She joins me, pulling on a suit jacket over her pale pink dress, and motioning me to an open office door. We step inside and I whirl around to face her. “I think I’m pregnant.”

Her eyes light and then she holds up her hands. “Okay I know you two want kids but I sense panic in you so before I respond, tell me what you’re feeling.”

“We talked about next year.”

“It’s a little early but is that a big deal?” Lauren asks.

“He’s starting a massive trial tomorrow, Lauren. You know that. This is big news. It’s life-changing news. It’s not the kind of news you give someone before a trial.”

“I admit that the timing is delicate so let’s take a step back. Are you certain you’re pregnant?”

“The test says I am and I feel different but, I’m not sick. I googled that on my way to the subway. They say when you’re sick it’s a sign of a healthy baby. Those who miscarry often aren’t sick.”

“Wow.” She holds up her hands. “Wait. Why are we going there? You’re not going to miscarry.”

“You did.”

“I know,” she says grimly. “So I guess we know why you’re going there. You lived that with me.”

“And Royce. I saw what it did to you both. I’m a calm, rational person, Lauren. You know that. I’m thinking about all the ways this could affect Reese. I’m worried about my husband.”

The door opens behind Lauren and Royce steps inside. He towers above us and consumes the room. “Is there a problem?” he asks.

“I need to ask you something,” I answer.

“I’m listening,” he says, folding his arms over his broad chest.

“If you were leaving for a dangerous job, you couldn’t change, would you want to hear Lauren was pregnant before you left?”

Lauren holds up her hands again. “I’m not pregnant.”

He looks at me again. “I’d want to know,” he says.

“But would you be better off knowing? Reese starts a trial tomorrow. He has someone’s future in his hands. He’s a protector. He’ll worry about me. He’ll worry about the baby. If you were on that big job, and Lauren miscarried during it, how would it affect you?”

His lips thin. “I wouldn’t know if Lauren was pregnant in the scenario you’re suggesting. I’d be on radio silence.”