Page 109 of Dirty Lawyer

“Why the hell would you leave? I was about to go get you.” He starts to move and I do, too, and we all but collide in the center of the room in an embrace. “I missed you,” I say. “I—”

“I missed you, too, sweetheart.” His mouth crashes down on mine and that’s all it takes. We are all over each other, so hungry for us, that we can’t get enough. I barely remember how the skirt of my dress ends up at my waist or how his pants get unzipped. Suddenly it just is and he’s sitting on the couch in the corner, with me on top of him, him pressing inside me, filling me. I sink down on his cock, and when I have all of him, we just sit there, connected. Together.

“Let’s make a pact,” Reese says, tangling fingers into my hair, and dragging my mouth to his. “We don’t ever separate again. Ever, Cat.”

“Never again,” I agree, and he kisses me and we’re wild all over again, and slow again, watching each other, just savoring each other. Neither of us wants it to end but it does. Another burning need to just feel more and more of each other, sends us over the edge, until we peak and crash into one other. We lay there a full minute before I realize where we are. “We’re half naked in your office.”

He laughs and says, “Best day I’ve had in this office.”

I press on his shoulders and sit up. “I should get off now.”

“Yes. You should. So that I can take you home. Our home, Cat.”

“I want to come home. It is home. You are home.”

Thirty minutes later, we walk into his apartment and I swear I can breathe again but just when I think I might run through the whole damn place, Reese scoops me up. “I can walk,” I say. “And I promise only to run to the bedroom.”

“It’s more romantic if I do it.”

“Romantic,” I say. “I taught you manners and romance. I love it.”

“I hope you do.”

“Now you’re talking in secret code.”

He enters the bedroom and walks to the chair, our chair, and sets me down. “I missed this chair,” I say. “Good. Don’t move and don’t look.” He walks away and I’m dying. I almost turn. I might have to turn. Okay I won’t turn because he’s now covering my eyes.

“Is that one of your ties?”

“It is. I have a surprise.” He knots the cloth at the back of my head and places my arms on the sides of the chair. “Leave them here.”

I do as he says and he adds, “Don’t move them, Cat.”

Heat rushes through me and my heart starts to race. “I’ve actually never let anyone cover my eyes.”

I feel him settle in front of me. “I plan to be the first of many things,” he says, his hands sliding up my legs, inching my skirt up my hips. “I’d undress you but I’m too impatient. Remember. Don’t move your hands.”

“I know,” I say, but he’s moving his. He catches my panties at each side and drags them down my legs, kissing random spots on my leg as he does. He untangles them from my feet and they are gone now, but his mouth is not. His lips press tiny kisses all over me: My thigh, my calf, and my knees. His tongue travels up my inner thigh and I am panting when it finds my clit. I almost come that easily.

I grip the chair and arch upward and he gives me what I want. He suckles me, licks me, touches me and release hits me with a sudden jolt. I stiffen and then tremble all over until it’s over. I melt into the chair, and I feel Reese tug my skirt down. He then sets something in my lap. “Come here, Cat.”

I lean up and he kisses me, pulling away the tie and whispering, “Marry me, Cat. I need you in my life…Look down.”

He eases back and there is a stunning diamond ring, sitting on my lap. “A ring. I mean, I know it’s a ring. I just—”

“Say yes, Cat. You’re killing me here.”

“Yes. Yes. Yes. Of course. And just so you know. That was the best way of proposing any man has ever come up with. Of course, I’ll leave certain parts out of the story but—”

He kisses me and I’m home to stay.

Chapter forty


One year later…

Still reeling from our wedding a month ago at the Summer ranch, Reese and I are now sitting at a table in the center of a ballroom at the Ritz Carlton Battery Park as part of a launch party for our book we’re told is already set for the New York Times just with pre-orders. I’d worn a pink dress to get married in and Reese a tuxedo. And today, I’m wearing my pink suit for the signing and he has on his lucky blue suit. Or it will be lucky after today. Everyone we know, and many we don’t know, are here with the exception of my baby brother Daniel who had to go back to work after the wedding. Even my father, Gabe, and Reid, are here, who of course, are thrilled I married an attorney. Reid is still one big cranky ass but he’s slowly easing up. Reese has saved two of Reid’s clients from certain hell in jail, and since they were innocent, Reese and I, were both just fine with him helping.