Page 70 of Dirty Lawyer

“Have you ever witnessed him and his wife fighting?”

She inhales and lets it out. “Yes.”

“What about?”

“Me. She was jealous of me.”

“Does she have reason to be?”

“No. My relationship with Mr. Ward is completely professional, which is one of the things about him I respect. He would never, ever dream of cheating on his wife, or making a woman feel uncomfortable.”

“Did you hear them fight about Jennifer Wright?”


“What was the context?”

“There was a call to Mr. Ward’s cellphone from Jennifer Wright the night she was murdered. He wanted his wife to admit to the police that she took the call, not him.”

There is a rumbling of voices in the courtroom that fades quickly, and you can almost feel the courtroom waiting for what comes next.

“What was Mrs. Ward’s response?” I ask.

“She said it would make her a suspect. She—”

“Objection!” Dan shouts, jumping to his feet. “Hearsay.”

“This is not hearsay,” I argue. “She was sitting outside the office and heard the conversation.”

“Overruled. Continue.”

I look at Geneva. “You were saying. She what?”

“She cried and accused Mr. Ward of not loving her if he wouldn’t protect her.”

“And how did Mr. Ward respond?”

“He proclaimed his love and promised to protect her.”

“Did either admit to murdering the victim?”

“No. I did not hear any admission of guilt.”

“At any time has Mr. Ward admitted to killing Jennifer Wright?”

“Not when I was present.”

“I’m done with the witness,” I say, walking back to my table and sitting down, while Dan stands.

Nelson leans into me and whispers, “What the hell are you doing?”

“My job,” I say, as Dan asks, “Ms. Marks, was the door open when you heard this conversation about the phone call between Nelson and Kelli Ward?”

“No,” she says.

“In other words, the conversation was muffled?”

“The walls are thin,” Geneva states. “I hear everything.”