“It’s chilly out and I have your panties. You must have felt that.”
I laugh and cut my gaze as inquiring eyes suddenly study me more intensely. “I survived.”
“Come back and get them.”
“They aren’t exactly usable at this point. But I’ll be about an hour. My brother and my agent showed up at my house.”
“Take the book deal, Cat,” he says, turning serious on me.
“I can’t have this conversation with you right now.”
“Just don’t decline it officially until we talk. Promise.”
“Right,” he says. “We’ll talk about this later, naked. But soon. Get back here or I’ll come after you.” He hangs up.
I set my phone down and look between Liz and Gabe. “You both need to leave. I have someplace to be.”
Gabe cuts his stare and looks frustrated, like he wants to say something but thinks better of it. “I’ll see you later,” he says, heading out of the room.
I glance at Liz. “I’m fine. Go see him off. I’ll make coffee. I know where everything is.”
“No to the book deal,” I say, trying to get her to leave, too.
“Okay. I’ll make a cup of coffee and stay awhile.”
I sigh and follow Gabe to the exit to find him waiting on me with the door cracked open, his expression stern. “Why are you really here?”
“How good is Reese Summer?”
“He’s good. Really good. Why?”
“The best?”
“Yes. The best.”
“A killer?”
“In courtroom terms, yes. Why? Are you thinking of contracting him?”
“It’s complicated and you have company.” He turns and leaves, and I have this urge to chase after him and demand answers, when I’m not sure why, but he’s right. I have company.
Frowning, I walk back into the kitchen and find Liz leaning on the counter by the pot, sipping from a cup. “We can set rules and guidelines for the book. You are in charge. You control the content, title, and cover. It’s insanity to walk away from this.” She sets her cup down and walks to the island, where she sets her phone down. “Are you fucking Reese Summer?” She taps her phone, and I go all hot and cold inside.
“Look at the photo,” she instructs.
I walk to the counter and stare down at a photo of me with Reese at the hotel last night, his hand on my arm. His body very close to mine. “How did you get that?”
“From your editor, who got it from Dan.”