“It wouldn’t matter either way,” Reese replies. “It’s a conflict of interest.”
“I’ll protect her. Put me on the stand, and I’ll protect her.”
“I intend to,” Reese says. “When it’s our turn which could be a long way off.”
“What if I get Martha to confess? I’ll confront her. I’ll record her.”
“We could make that work,” Savage says.
“Talk to Savage, Reginald,” Reese replies. “But don’t talk to Dana. You’re going to make her look guilty.”
“Because I look guilty?” he demands.
“Because she looks guilty,” Reese says. “She’s the one who was charged. Don’t give anyone a chance to question her. As long as there’s no evidence against you, they won’t charge you to just charge.” He eyes Savage. “We’re going back.”
Savage nods and Reese wraps his arm around my shoulders and turns me back toward the courthouse. “First thought?”
“I hope he doesn’t get an attorney. That could work against us.”
“Agreed,” I say.
“Maybe he’ll deliver us Martha and save himself and Dana.”
“Desperate people do desperate things,” I remind him. “This feels volatile to me. It feels like a problem.”
“That’s why he’s with Savage and on another note: Your brother texted me. Debbie is on an airplane and I talked to Royce. Wilson is stable. I think for now though, we’ll keep Walker in place through the rest of the trial.”
“Because of Reginald?”
“Because I want you safe.”
We head back into the courthouse and I think about the baby in my belly and decide not to argue. I’m not taking any chances with our child and maybe on some level Reese senses that he needs to protect more than me. He needs to protect his child.
The afternoon is slow. The prosecution calls a number of police officers who are so uneventful that Reese allows Elsa to cross-examine them. It’s four o’clock when Savage enters the courtroom and delivers a note to Reese. Reese reads the note and nods to Savage. “Judge, can we approach please?”
The judge motions him forward and he and Milton are quickly in front of him. Both are clearly arguing before the judge bangs his gavel. “Counselors, in my office. Court is adjourned until eight am tomorrow.”
Savage is waiting on me at the end of the aisle, and we don’t speak until we’re outside. “What’s going on?” I ask as soon as we’re out of the cluster of people.
“The police raided Martha and Reginald’s apartments an hour ago,” he says. “Things are heating up.”
“That’s doesn’t mean they won’t find a way to connect Dana,” I say, hurrying toward Reese’s private hallway.
“An insider told Royce to expect an arrest,” Savage tells me as we turn down the hallway.
“One arrest?”
“Which one?”
“He wouldn’t say more,” Savage says, “but after dealing with Reginald this afternoon I vote for Martha.”
“Why do you say that?”
“He was willing to be recorded setting her up,” he says. “If he had something to hide he wouldn’t be that stupid. Well, not likely. I’ve met some really fucking stupid people.”
“What’s the plan on that anyway?” I ask.