“He’s been following you for weeks. Royce pulled footage from random cameras around the areas you frequent.”
“Oh,” she breathes out. “That’s creepy. I admit that freaks me out a little. You’re going to ask me to leave again, aren’t you?”
“Royce thinks you should. I know you don’t want to go. And while my first instinct was to send you away, I really don’t know if I can focus if you’re out of my sight and in danger. I need to see you in the courtroom.”
“I want to be there. I love watching you and I feel safe in the courthouse.”
“I’m going to end the trial and we’re going out of town. Wherever you want to go.”
“I want to stay close, in case we need to talk to the police.”
“Then we’ll go to Cole and Lori’s place in the Hamptons. We’ve wanted to go for a while.”
“I’d like that. Thank you for not just sending me away. If Debbie comes forward I need to be by your side.”
“You just need to be by my side, period.” I kiss her, a slow, deep passionate kiss, and if we were anywhere but here, I’d be inside her right now. I stroke her cheek. “Let’s talk about the trial.”
“Yes. Let’s talk about the trial.”
I force myself to let her go, unbuttoning my jacket to pace as I think through everything that just happened in that courtroom. “We’re recessing until one-thirty. I showed the judge the photos. We’re going back to court to have Martha arrested, and then we’re done for the day.”
“How hard did Milton fight her arrest?”
“He didn’t. He’s just not that good, which is really damn good for Dana. The judge wanted to prove his court was lawful and make this a big event. If it had been me in Milton’s shoes, I would have fought to have that done in private. Now the jury will see her punished.”
“And a few hours in jail will make her break if she’s going to break,” Cat assumes.
“If it doesn’t, it will prep her so that I can.”
“I agree and the fact that she lied and she’s getting arrested, creates plenty of reasonable doubt. The jury is going to wonder why she lied. They’ll wonder if she’s the killer.”
“But it won’t end this. I want this over.”
“I know you do,” she says. “But you’re winning, Reese. I’m right here with you and I’m not a fool. I’m not going anywhere without Savage by my side. I have every reason to stay smart and alive. And—as much as I don’t want to go, if me being here starts worrying you to the point of stress, I’ll go. For you. I’ll go crazy, but for you, I’m willing.”
I cross to stand in front of her, my hands settling under her hair at her neck. “For me.”
“Anything for you.”
“Even after that call this morning?”
“We both have a past, Reese. I don’t think you came to me a virgin and if you did, you were born with some pretty impressive skills.”
“Is that right?”
“Yes.” She slides her arms around me. “I was shocked and it felt like an invasion of our world, but it didn’t feel like a betrayal. And just so you know, watching you in that courtroom really turns me on.”
“Watch out, sweetheart, or I’m going to forget where we are and pull your dress up.”
“How much more will it take,” she teases, “because I’m trying pretty hard to tempt you right now.” There’s a knock on the door and she sighs, “Of course.”
I stroke her hair. “You’re just giving me more motivation to end this.” I kiss her and release her to walk to the door, and open it. Elsa is standing there.
“Dana said that she’s completely sideswiped. She had no idea her father was sleeping with Martha. She’s no help, but she wants to talk to you.”
“She doesn’t need to help. Martha is doing plenty herself. Tell her I’ll be right there.” She nods and I start to shut the door and stop. “Wait, Elsa. Give me a minute. I have an idea.” I shut the door to refocus on my wife. “That idea you had about Dana and dinner. Let’s make it lunch. She admires you. I do think she might open up to you. She might tell you something she won’t tell me because she’s nervous and on edge. Are you in?”
“Of course. Anything that helps. You know that.”