“I have a problem. I need you and Gabe.”
“I don’t remember the last time you said that to me. Are you okay?”
“Yes, but I need you. Now. Here at my place, as soon as possible.”
He’s silent a beat. “I’ll cancel my evening meeting. I’ll be there. I’ll bring Gabe. Whatever it is, it’ll be okay.”
“Did you, Reid Maxwell, just comfort me?”
“I’m your brother,” he says and hangs up.
Tears burn my eyes as I hand the phone back to Reese. “He’s coming.”
Reese takes the phone and swipes tears from my eyes. “I heard what he said. He loves you.”
I nod. “I guess,” I say. “And Royce? Is he here?”
“Downstairs waiting on us,” he says, angling in my direction. “But I needed to talk to you first. Everything is you first, Cat.”
I grab his hand. “Stop, Reese. Stop acting like we’re delicate. We’re not. She’s a bitch and we’re going to beat her. Let’s figure out how.”
He stares at me a few beats and then laughs. “She’s a bitch and we’re going to beat her?”
He leans in and kisses me. “That’s my Cat. And yes, to both.”
“Good,” I say. “Will she go public?”
“She’s crazy. She’s capable of anything which is why Royce is having Savage shadow you unless you’d prefer someone else?”
“Savage is funny,” I say. “And I get the idea he wouldn’t mind killing someone just because it felt good, and he’d consider that loyalty, so right about now, that works for me.”
“Savage it is,” he says.
“What about you?”
“What about me?”
“Will someone be with you?”
“Yes,” he says, “and not because I want protection, but because there are too many people around me at all times who could get caught in the crossfire.”
“And with a gun?” I ask urgently.
He pulls me closer. “If I’m dead, she can’t extort me, but that’s why I’m worried about everyone else.”
“What about Dana?” I ask. “If this goes public, she could freak out.”
“I’m going to call her this evening after we have a plan. I’d rather talk to her in person, but the press will make that challenging.”
“What about the police? Do we talk to the police?” I shake my head. “Never mind. She hasn’t broken a law yet. She hasn’t asked for anything.”
“She did. She told you if I didn’t contact her, she’d go to the press. Royce wants me to talk to the police, too, but after we all talk. Him, you, me, Cole and Lori.”
“Do we know who the real father of the baby is?” I ask.
“Royce is working on it, but that could take time.”