Page 8 of Forever With You

Perhaps I should have worn them instead. “Well, it seems like you got me all figured out after two brief conversations, and here I am, not nearly as observant as you. I don’t know anything about you.”

“Not true,” he chided softly. “You know my first and last name. And where I work.”

“Wow. I could totally do a bio on you now.” I watched his lips twitch into a half grin again. “How about we play a game? A question for a question.”

He tilted his head to the side, lips pursed. “I think I can do that. Ladies first.”

Brushing my hair off my shoulder, I took another drink. “How old are you?”


“You’re still a baby then.”

He frowned. “How old are you?”

“Twenty-­three,” I replied.

“What?” he laughed, the skin crinkling around his eyes. “That makes no sense.” He paused. “Unless older guys are normally your thing or something?”

I tsked softly. “It’s not your turn to ask a question. It’s mine. Have you lived here your whole life?”

“On and off. I was born near here.” His eyes glittered. “Answer my question.”

“Older guys aren’t typically my thing, but I don’t think I have a ‘thing,’ to be honest.”

“Equal opportunity player then?”

“I don’t think you understand how this game works, Nick.”

He smirked. “My bad.”

“Did you go to college or are you in college?” I asked.

Nick arched a brow. “Isn’t that two questions?”

“Oh, you got me. Pick one then.”

His chin dipped. “I did go to college. Is this your first time living away from home?”

I took a drink as I watched his thumb move along the bottle. “I lived in the dorm while I was at school, but this is the first time I’ve lived out of state. So, did you graduate?”

He nodded. “I did.”

The question formed on the tip of my tongue. I wanted to know why he was bartending. I was curious, but not in a judgy way, because there was nothing wrong with bartending. He’d probably made more money than I did, but I pushed the question down. That was too ... personal for me. Tapping my finger on the bottle, I searched for a good one. “What’s your favorite hobby?”

“Besides fucking?” he said, his gaze hidden behind his thick lashes.

My stomach hollowed. Dear God, that was definitely putting it out there, and certain, important points in my body got all kinds of excited upon hearing that. “Yeah, besides that?”

“Hmm ...” His gaze flipped to the ceiling as his lips pursed and then his gaze slammed into me. “If I had to pick one, I’d have to go with working with my hands.”

A sharp swirl of pleasure rattled me. “For some reason, I think that has a double meaning.”

One shoulder rose and he took a drink. “What about you? Favorite hobby?”

“Besides fucking?”

Nick’s laugh was deep, but his stare was no longer lazy. “Yeah, besides that,” he said, repeating my words.