“You don’t know him!” I pushed off the bar, grinning as he rolled his eyes. “Dean’s actually a pretty nice guy, and he’s older than me.”
Melvin grunted. “You need to get with a real man.”
“You volunteering?” I threw back.
That got a deep, throaty laugh out of him. “If I was younger, girl, I’d show you a good time.”
“Whatever,” I laughed, folding my arms across the lettering on my T-shirt, which saidHUFFLEPUFF DOES IT BETTER. “You want another drink? Beer, though, because it’s obvious you don’t need any more liquor.”
He snickered in my direction, but quickly got all serious face with me. “You got someone walking you to your car when you get off?”
I thought that was a weird question. “One of the guys always walks me to my car.”
“Good. You need to be careful,” he went on. “I’m sure you heard about the girl over in the Prussia area? She’s around your age, lives alone, and works late. Some guy followed her home, messed her up pretty badly.”
“I think I remember hearing something about that on the news, but I thought it was some guy she knew. An ex-boyfriend or something.”
He shook his head as he took the bottle of beer I offered. “Last I heard, he was cleared. They think it was a stranger. Prussia ain’t far from here, and you remember that girl who disappeared about a month ago. Shelly Winters, I think was her name. She lived over in Abington Township? They still ain’t found her.” He tipped the bottle at me, and I vaguely remembered seeing Missing Persons photos shared on Facebook. If my memory served me right, she was a pretty girl with blue eyes and brown hair. “Just be careful, Roxy.”
Leaning against the bar, I frowned as Melvin ambled off. Now that was kind of a creepy turn in our conversation.
“Wanna make a bet?”
I turned and looked waaay up at Nick Dormas. He took tall, dark, and brooding to a whole new level, and the girls who came in here ate it right up. He had an “I’m gonna break your heart” allure, and yet the girls kept on flocking to him. I was a little surprised he was talking, because he rarely spoke to anyone besides Jax, and I had no idea how he hooked up with so many chicks when he was as quiet as a mime. Nick was a hit-it-and-never-see-your-face-again kind of guy. I once overheard Jax telling him he couldn’t ban chicks he’d banged from the bar just because Nick didn’t want to see them again. “For what?”
Grabbing the bottle of tequila, he nodded in Jax’s direction. “He’ll be down to Shepherd before the week is out.”
A grin tugged at my lips as I stepped back, giving him access to the rack of glasses. “Yeah, I’m not making that kind of bet unless I get to say yes, he’ll be down there.”
Nick laughed softly, which was another strange sound, because it was also something he rarely did. I didn’t know what his deal was, he could be moody and he was really bad boyfriend material, but I liked him. “Hey,” I said. “Guess what?”
He raised a brow.
One side of his lips kicked up. “Is that like a code word for something?”
“Nope. Just felt like I needed to say it.” I grabbed a towel and swiped up a bit of spilled liquor. “But wouldn’t that be a weird safe word during BDSM play? Like the chick yelling banana in the middle of sex? That would be so awkward.”
Nick stared at me.
“I read this book once where the girl yelledcatright before they were about to get some bow-chicka-bow-wow,” I told him. “It was high-larious.”
“Okay,” he murmured before wandering away.
Jax was standing by the bar, both brows raised. “What in the hell are you two talking about?”
I grinned at him and Calla. “Safe words used during BDSM.”
Calla’s eyes widened. “Um, all right, wasn’t expecting that.”
A giggle escaped me, and in the moment, I felt a lot lighter than I had the whole day. “You two want something to drink?” I looked at Calla and smiled like the Joker on meth. “How about tequila?”
She drew back, and I almost expected her to hiss at me. “Hell no. I don’t want any of that devil’s juice.”
Jax chuckled as he dropped his arm over her shoulders and tucked her against his side, almost protectively. And that brought forth anawwmoment from me. “I don’t know. It’s kind of cute when you cuddle a bottle,” he said.
Her cheeks flushed as she placed a hand on his lower stomach. “I think I’ll just stay away from that.”