Bella bit her tongue to keep from cursing him out. She wanted to get as much information from him as possible before Caden hurt him.

“There is no way you can keep me where you want me, and it would be like before. You’re scum, and I don’t care if I ever see you again.”

Her brother grinned and leaned down a little. “You’re a fucking idiot. If you don’t do what I say, I’ll have one of your friends hurt or maybe killed.”

She wouldn’t fear her brother again. “All this because you don’t want to get a job. Do you know how pathetic you are?” She knew she was pushing it, but she had so much to say to him.

“That’s what you’re for, you cunt.”

She could tell she was making him angry because his face always turned red. “So, let me get this straight. You’re going to kidnap me and take me wherever you live now. You’ll make me work so you can have money to spend on drugs and beer and clean the place and make meals?”

He looked uncertain for a moment before he smiled again. “Yes. There’s more, but I’ll tell you when we get to my place.”

Bella stared at him for a long moment. “I used to ask myself how I fucked up so much raising you. But the more I think about it, you were a shithead for as long as you’ve been alive. Do you know I’m the one who changed your diapers and fed you? I’d come home from school or work and find you screaming because you were hungry and your diaper was wet, and our mom passed out. You’re weak and pathetic like her, and I can’t think of anything I could have done to prevent you from turning into…” She waved her hand at him. “I should have let the State take you after Mom died.”

She could see sparks of emotion in Randy’s eyes, but it didn’t last long, and he was glaring and demanding again.

“Get up and get dressed. We need to get out of here.”

She rolled her eyes. He never was a bright person. She watched Caden walk up behind her brother and set a hand on his shoulder. Her brother yelled and tried to get away from his grip.

“Let me go, fucker,” Randy said and struggled.

Caden looked at her. “We have to talk later, Little Sub.”

Her eyes widened. “Why? Am I in trouble?”

“Hell, yes.”

Caden violently shook her brother with his one hand as he calmly talked to her. His strength always astounded her.

A nurse heard the commotion and ran into the room. Her eyes widened. “What…?”

“Call the Sheriff,” Caden said.

The nurse rushed out.

“You’re not going to kill him, are you?” she asked.

Caden sighed and slammed her brother into the wall a few times. “No. But I’ll fuck him up until Daniel gets here.”

Bella bit her lip when Caden lifted her brother two feet off the floor and kept slamming him into the wall. He did it so nonchalantly that it was comical. He was beating another man up with one hand while threatening her with spankings. She just hoped Daniel got there before Randy died.

Caden stopped talking when the door opened, and the sheriff and a deputy raced in.

“I was told someone was being killed,” Daniel said and exhaled.

Bella watched his facial expressions as he studied what was going on. She was glad to see amusement.

“Caden, I hate to tell you this, but you can’t kill him. Give him to us. We’ve been looking for him for some burglaries. We’ve got enough evidence to convict him.”

Caden growled, slammed Randy against the wall more forcefully than before, and then tossed him across the room. He did it with such ease it looked like he threw a stuffed animal and not a full-grown man.

The deputy raced to Randy and cuffed him as he withered on the floor in pain.

Bella thought she should have felt more remorse, but she knew the guy needed a good beatdown. She was just glad she got to see it.

When everyone had left, her Dom stood at the side of her bed in his “Dom mode,” as she liked to call it, and glared down at her.