“Yeah, like that will happen. He’ll be trying to get here as soon as humanly possible,” Link said.
They pulled up to the Emergency Room doors, and Link rushed around yelling for someone as he helped her and Jake out of the car.
“What’s the problem?” a nurse asked.
“She was cut, and it’s bleeding a lot,” Jake said.
“Yes, I can see the drops on the floor. Let’s get her into a cubicle and undressed.”
The nurse called for a few other people, who came running. They set her on the gurney and started pulling her clothing off.
“Wait,” she said, but her voice was so weak they couldn’t hear her.
She was naked within a minute, with a blanket covering her lower half. They turned her on her good side, and Jake held her hand.
“It’s going to be okay,” he said close to her ear.
She nodded and sniffed. She was trying to be brave, but all she felt was seizing panic. She knew she wouldn’t feel better until Caden got there.
She vaguely heard that she was cut and it was going to take a lot of stitches to close the wound. She never had stitches before and didn’t want them now.
“Can’t they just put a Band-Aid on it, Jake?” she asked.
Jake snorted. “No, Sweetheart.”
“Are you her husband?” the doctor asked.
Jake shook his head. “No, just a friend, but her husband will be here shortly.”
“Okay. We’re going to sedate her…”
“No,” she said.
“Miss, the wound is over your ribs, so it’s going to be painful even with Novocain,” the doctor said.
“I don’t want to sleep. I want my Master.”
Jake nodded at the doctor. “Give it to her. I know her husband would want that.”
“Enough. You’ll do what you’re told.” He softened his words with a kiss on her forehead.
Within seconds, her eyes closed, and the world disappeared. She’d be fine when Caden got there.
Chapter Seventeen
Caden burst through the ER doors. “Where is she?” he bellowed.
A lady at the counter scowled at him. “You don’t have to yell, Sir.”
“My woman was badly hurt. I need to see her with my own eyes. Her name is Bella, and she has a cut on her side.”
“Hey, man,” Link called out to him. “Come this way.”
“Hey, wait…” the woman said.
They ignored her.