“Fuck. It’s bad, Macy,” Jake said.
“I feel like I want to lie down,” Bella said. She heard several voices but concentrated on staying upright and conscious.
Jake pressed a clean towel over the wound, making her suck in her breath. He wouldn’t budge when she tried to push him away.
“Sweetheart,” Jake said. “We have to slow the bleeding down.”
“It hurts.”
“I know.”
“I’ll call an ambulance,” Macy said.
“No, it will be quicker if we drive there. Call Link, and he can drive the car while I take care of her.”
Macy nodded and pulled his phone out. He listened for a moment. “He’s headed this way.”
“I’ll be fine, guys. Don’t worry so much.”
Macy and Jake glanced at each other.
“What’s going on?” Cat said as she walked up.
“Bella is injured,” Hannah said.
“She got cut somehow,” Hannah guessed.
Bella heard a gasp.
“My God!” Cat yelled. “I stepped into a puddle of blood. What are you guys doing? She’s bleeding a lot.”
Macy narrowed his eyes. “Babe, we’re taking care of it. Let them leave, and I’ll clean you up. Then, I want the two of you in the sub lounge for the rest of the night.”
“I agree,” Jake told Hannah.
Cat rubbed her back, and it helped settle her.
Link ran up. “Let’s go. You can tell me what’s happening in the car.”
Jake lifted her into his arms, and the three hurried out the side door, which was closer to the vehicles. Link helped get them in the back seat and then raced to start the car and pull out.
“You guys, I’m getting blood everywhere. It will ruin your seats,” she murmured drowsily.
“Leave it to a sub to think of that when she’s hurt,” Jake said.
“Ow, ow, ow.”
Jake tightened his hold on her. “I have to press hard, Sweetheart. I’m sorry. I hate hurting you, but we must stop the blood.”
“I want my Master,” she cried.
“I know. Macy is getting in touch with him now. He’ll meet us there.”
“Tell him not to speed. I don’t want him in an accident.”
Both men snorted.