Cat smiled. “I get that. I’d be the same way with Macy.”

“Hey, Sweet Cheeks,” Macy said as he leaned over the bar, grabbed the front of Cat’s corset, lifted her onto the bar surface, and kissed her. It was so hot that she could see the people around them get aroused by it. She could feel a ball of heat grow in her belly.

He finally released her and gently set her back down on the floor. Bella couldn’t help but smile at the dazed look on Cat’s face and the arrogant, pleased look on his.

“What can I get you lovely ladies?” Macy said.

Cat frowned at Macy.

He chuckled. “That’s two, Babe.”

Bella looked at them. “Two what?”

“Punishments,” Cat said and growled.

Bella had to bite her lip to keep from laughing. “I need a few drinks, Sir.”

Macy nodded. “All right. What do you need?”

Bella gave him a short list of drinks. When he got back with them, she put them on her tray. “Hey, Sir, do you know when my master will be back?”

Macy nodded. “He called earlier. He’s on his way now. He said it would take a few hours.”

Bella nodded. “Okay. Thank you.” She bumped her hip with Cat’s. “I’ll be right back, Sister.” God, she loved saying that.

For the next hour, Bella dodged people and was amazed she hadn’t lost a drink yet. On her way back to the bar, she collided with someone and dropped her tray when a sharp pain in her side made her gasp, stop suddenly, and drop her tray. She had no idea what just happened and what would have caused it. She reached for the spot and was surprised to feel something sticky. She looked at her fingers, and it took a moment to comprehend it was blood.

“Oh, my God, Bella!” Hannah screamed. “What happened, and where is the blood coming from?”

“My side. I felt a sharp pain. I didn’t know I was cut until I saw the blood.”

Hannah grabbed her arm and dragged her to the bar. “Sit down, Sister.”

Her friend helped her sit on one of the stools. Bella could feel the blood run down her side and then her leg.

“Macy!” Hannah shouted.

Macy came over with a frown. “What’s wrong? I can hear the panic in your tone.”

“Bella is bleeding.”

Macy’s brows snapped together. “Bleeding? Like menstrual cycle?”

Bella saw the tears on Hannah’s face.

Hannah shook her head. “On her side. She said she felt a sharp pain, and then when she touched it, her hand came away with blood.”

“Fuck,” Macy bellowed for Jake.

“What’s up?” Jake asked.

“Bella is hurt.”

“How?” Jake asked.

Macy was grabbing some clean towels. “We don’t know what caused it, but she had a pain, and it’s bleeding. Check out her side.”

Bella shook her head when Jake tried to move her hand.