Chapter Twelve

Cat opened the door, and the three stood looking around. Bella couldn’t take her eyes off of anyone. There were so many different outfits and people’s … activities that it boggled her mind. She didn’t know what else to call what she was seeing.

The other two giggled and pulled her along. The three stopped suddenly when they saw Macy behind the bar scowling, and Jake and Caden in their dominant stances next to the bar, staring at them.

“Uh-oh, I think someone told on us,” Cat said out the side of her mouth.

Bella wanted to laugh, but the heated look in Caden’s eyes left her frozen and mute. He curled his finger at her to come to him. She didn’t even have to think about it. Her body knew what to do. She watched how the other women stood, and mimicked it. Her head was down, with her arms at her side, and waiting patiently. If he didn’t say anything soon, she was going to pee.

“Look at me,” Caden said.

Bella raised her head and looked at him. She swallowed nervously at the expression in his eyes. It had a feral, hungry look she’d never seen before.

“Macy tells me you and the other girls were showering together,” Caden said.

Bella nodded. “Um, yes.”

“Did you enjoy it?”

She started to shift her eyes to see the other girls.

“Eyes on me, Little Sub.”

“Okay, well, um, yes. The girls are fun to be with.”

“I’m glad you three are getting along. You’ll be spending a lot of time with them.”

“I’m glad,” Bella said.

“Are you excited to spend some time with me, too?” he asked.

Bella tried to find the right words to say without sounding like an idiot.

“You’re making me nervous. Why is it taking you so long to answer me?”

“Because my first reaction was to yell yes, but I didn’t want to be embarrassed.” She could tell her answer pleased him.

“Will it excite you to bathe with me, too?” he asked.

Bella nodded slowly.

“I’ll always need a verbal answer from you, Little Sub.”

She cleared her throat. “Yes.”

Caden nodded, pleased. “When we’re in the club, I want you to call me Sir or, eventually, Master.”

“Oh. Okay. What do I call the other guys?”


Bella didn’t like the fact that she addressed all the men the same way. She wanted Caden to be special. “Would I have to address the other Doms as Master, too?”

He shook his head. “No. That’s just for the Dom you connect with.”

“I’m not sure what that means, but I want to call you something different than the others.”

She loved the smile that spread across his face, telling her how pleased he was.