Hannah clapped her hands. “I say yes. But we still have to hurry, or we’ll run late.”

“Follow me.”

Bella looked around the enormous bathroom, much like Caden’s, but it had more blue tones and colors. She watched the others strip off their clothes, and then Cat turned on the water.

She turned to Bella. “Are you going to be shy with us?”

“I know it’s weird, but I’ve never been naked in front of anyone, and in the last two days, I have been without clothing in front of Caden and now you two.”

Hannah walked over to her and grasped her forearm. “You don’t have to do this. We would never push you into anything. You can use the other bathroom.”

Bella shook her head. “No. I want to stay with you two.”

Hannah smiled. “Then strip and come in.”

Cat stepped into the shower, and Hannah followed her. Bella watched their antics through the glass and grinned. She took off her clothes and set them aside before stepping in behind Hannah.

“Yea!” Cat yelled, making her smile.

The three took turns shampooing and conditioning their hair before they started on their bodies. They had a great time and laughed so much that Bella’s stomach hurt.

The clearing of a deep throat made them scream and jump. When Bella saw it was Cat’s Dom, she tried to hide behind the girls. Oh, God, he could see everything through the glass.

“Oh, hey, Master,” Cat called out.

“What in the world are you women doing?” Macy asked, with his arms crossed over his chest, standing in a dominant, arrogant male way.

Cat grinned. “We’re showering.”

“Babe, I see that, but why together?” he asked.

“We thought it would save time. We were running a little late, so we were trying to hurry.”

Macy snorted. “Not that I don’t appreciate seeing three beautiful, naked women, but you do have to hustle, or you’ll be late.”

Cat turned off the water and started to hand the girls towels. Bella wrapped hers tightly around her torso and took another one for her hair.

Bella watched Cat and Macy hug and then kiss. Even with their size difference, they made a striking couple. She watched to see if Cat was upset or jealous of her Dom looking at other women, but it didn’t seem to matter at all.

Hannah nudged her with her hip. “You’ll get used to all of this. I promise.”

She nodded and watched Macy leave.

“Bella, do you want to use one of the hair dryers? I’ll pull clothes out for us.”

“Not for me. I brought my own,” Hannah said.

Bella took the conditioning spray from Hannah and sprayed her hair. If she were unable to put in a leave-in conditioner, her hair would take forever to comb through.

Hannah finished drying hers and handed it to Bella. Bella worked quickly. Her mouth dropped open when Cat came back into the bathroom with the outfit she was going to wear.

“Is that all you’re wearing?” Bella asked.

The other two giggled.

“This is actually pretty tame compared to some other clothes she’s worn,” Hannah said in a snarky tone.

Cat playfully slapped Hannah’s shoulder. “Do we want to talk about some of the outfits you have worn?”