“I don’t know why you’re being so weird. Yes, we went out, and he’s a good guy. I like him.” She reached for her tea and took a sip. “How about you? Who’d you take home last night?”
I scratched the back of my neck and looked into those pretty blue eyes that had always been my favorite. “For your information, I didn’t take anyone home. But thank you for thinking the worst of me.”
“What is with you today? Why are you being so weird about this? I’d never think the worst of you.” She set her drink down and moved right in front of me. “But you like to keep things casual. That’s kind of your shtick, right?”
I sighed. “Yes, Saylor. I love women, and I enjoy sex. But I don’t take a different woman home every night of the week. I’m not a sex addict, for God’s sake. I have quite a few returning customers, by the way. So, it’s not quite as dirty as the picture you’re painting.”
Why was I being so defensive? I made no secret about who I was. I always treated women with respect. I just got bored easily. But I never lied. I never played games. I was a straight shooter.
“I don’t think you’re dirty, King.” She laughed, placing her hands on her hips as she studied me. “I think anyone who gets to spend time with you is lucky. You know you’re my favorite.”
And just like that, she walked into my arms, and I hugged her.
The way I adored this girl was unexplainable.
Saylor Woodson was my girl.
Not in a sexual or inappropriate way, but in anI’d-walk-through-fire-and-kill-for-youkind of way.
If that were a thing.
“You’re my favorite, too,” I said, as she stepped back, and I moved around her to grab the last piece that needed to be attached to the frame. “So, tell me about Jason.”
“His name is Jalen. The girls call him Coach Hotty.” She chuckled. “He is hot. There’s no denying it.”
“Really? Those shorts don’t bother you?” I nailed the next piece into place.
“His shorts? Um, no. They don’t bother me. What’s your problem with his shorts?”
“The color and the length.” I pushed to my feet and brushed off my hands.
“You are seriously ridiculous. He’s a trainer. That’s what they wear.” She ran her fingers along the edge of the wood and whistled. “This is going to be gorgeous.”
“Hey, can you grab me a hammer out of my toolbox over there?” I said, as I bent down to check the corners.
Saylor walked a few feet away to where the metal toolbox I’d brought in with me sat beneath the table. When she lifted the top, I knew she’d see what I’d left in there for her.
She walked back over with a hammer in one hand and a dandelion in the other.
“Very creative, King. I’m going to have to up my game.” She handed me the hammer, put her nose to the flower, and closed her eyes.
It was our thing. We’d started it all those years ago when she was going through a really hard time. I’d shocked her a few months ago when she’d moved back to town, and I’d started hiding them for her again. She’d jumped right in and done the same for me.
Like no time had passed.
“What can I say? It’s a big day for you. The start of something new.”
“Do you know that I used to wish for this? Everything that’s happening right now,” she said.
“For the bookstore?”
“Well, it wasn’t for a bookstore in particular. But it was for this… this feeling that I have.”
“Tell me,” I said, as I turned to look at the bookshelves the guys were building on the other side of the room. They were following the blueprint that I’d given them, and I’d add all the molding and detail to them after they got the base built on each one.
“That I’d have something of my own. A life, I guess. That I’d go home and feel safe and comfortable and not be bracing myself for what I’d walk into. That I’d know I was building a future for myself. One I could be proud of.”
And this is why she’s my girl.