“We’re just getting one another out of our systems. I’ll probably tire of you by the time we get back to the house.” Her voice was all tease. “But I agree. We need to be honest. That way, no one will walk away hurt.”
“I would never forgive myself if I hurt you, Saylor.”
“Stop overthinking it. You just gave me the sexiest make-out session I’ve ever had. Only second to the last make-out session I had with you. A few more orgasms, and I won’t even remember your name.” She smiled, but I knew she was trying to play it cool.
We both felt this pull.
It was dangerous.
But I couldn’t stop it if I wanted to.
I’d tried for weeks to stay away.
Yet here I was.
With Saylor Woodson in my arms.
“Who keeps texting you?”Peyton asked.
“Oh, it’s just my mom asking about having lunch this weekend.” I stretched the truth. She’d texted once, but all the other texts had been from Kingston. He’d left after we’d made out again at my house when we said our goodbyes last night.
And then we’d ended up talking on the phone for hours until we couldn’t keep our eyes open.
I’d never been with a man who I was this comfortable with. We could talk about anything and everything.
He told me all about the kitchen renovation he was doing, and he was so passionate about it. He took pride in his work, and he loved what he did.
We talked about childhoods, my lack of stability, and his guilt that his grandparents had lost their chance to retire and enjoy old age because they’d raised him and his brother. I assured him that it was the greatest joy of their lives, because anyone who knew them knew it was true.
And then we read a few chapters of the latest romance book of his choosing. He was dabbling in historical fiction and telling me how he thought he would have thrived back then if he’d been alive.
But who was he kidding? The man would thrive in any time period.
“How are things going with your mom?” Ruby asked.
“We’re making progress.” I fiddled with my cocktail napkin. We’d met at Whiskey Falls for a quick happy hour drink and a few appetizers. “I’ve told you guys that my mom struggles with depression, so it’s a daily battle for her most of the time.”
“I understand that. Slade struggled for a long time when he was younger, and I think a lot of that led to him turning to drugs and alcohol to deal with it. But he’s really making progress and learning that it’s okay if you’re struggling. You just need to talk about it.” Demi sipped her martini, her eyes filled with empathy.
“That couldn’t have been easy for you growing up in a home with a mom who struggled with depression, and you didn’t have the tools to help her back then.” Ruby studied me.
“You’ve got your therapist hat on.” Peyton chuckled. “I know you aren’t a therapist, but you’re an emotional problem solver, Rubes. Just own it.”
Ruby chuckled. “Whatever. I’m just saying that it couldn’t have been easy for you or Hayes.”
“I think it’s why she chooses the partners that she does. Maybe she’s drawn to the toxicity. I’m fairly certain she and my father had a volatile relationship, as well. And after he left, things only got worse. It’s also why my brother wanted to get us both out of that house as soon as he could.”
“Yeah. I know he can be overly protective, but it’s coming from such a good place, you know?” Demi said.
“I never doubt that. He just needs to be reminded that I’m not a little kid anymore.”
“He’s definitely protective.” Ruby took a sip from her wineglass. “And that was nice of King to go with you to meet your dad and his family. Even if they were batshit crazy.”