Yeah. He was definitely relaxed now.
I hurried out of his bedroom and back to the kitchen, where I grabbed the four beers and made my way outside.
My heart was racing.
I couldn’t believe what had just happened.
Maybe there was another Saylor that lived in Magnolia Falls?
I mean, I would be lying if I didn’t admit to thinking of Kingston Pierce more times than I could count when I fantasized alone in my room.
But this was King. He didn’t look at me that way.
“Saylor,” his voice called as I was walking past, and I glanced over to see them all sitting around the firepit, smiling. “You need to back me up over here.”
I walked toward the fire, his dark brown eyes glowing in the light from the moon. “Back you up how?” I asked, and my voice sounded a little hoarse, so I cleared my throat.
“Did you break up with Jalen because of the Speedo?” Romeo asked.
I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “Absolutely not.”
It sure as hell didn’t help, but I wouldn’t say that was the reason.
Kingston’s hand moved to his chest like he’d been shot. “You wound me, Saylor Woodson. I was sure that was the reason.”
Why did he care so much about Jalen?
Was he jealous?
“So, what happened?” River asked. “He seemed to be really into you.”
“He’s a great guy. I just didn’t feel that way about him.”
Kingston’s gaze never left mine, and his tongue swiped out along his bottom lip, and I nearly combusted right there.
On Easter Sunday of all days.
In front of all our friends and family.
I was having an out-of-body experience.
Imagining my brother’s best friend standing in front of his sink, stroking his—
“Is there someone else you’ve got your eye on?” Kingston’s voice was all tease, slurring the slightest bit from the whiskey he’d been sipping over the last few hours.
I straightened. “No. I’m just going to be single for a bit. Kind of like you, King. Maybe I’ll play the field for a while.”
He gave me a slow nod as the guys all laughed. River glanced from me to his brother, and I saw his wheels turning.
“It’s not so bad out here,” he said, raising his glass to me and winking.
I clinked my beer bottle against his glass. “All right, I’m going to take the girls their beers. You guys behave over here, okay?”
More laughter sounded as I sauntered down toward the water.
“Well, looky here. Did you go to the Daily Market to grab those beers?” Peyton asked as I handed them each a bottle.
“No. Just got sidetracked chatting with people.”