“Lionel did all the hard work,” I said. “Grammie seems to be having a great time, huh?” I nodded to where the girls were chatting, and Grammie was right in there with them, wheelchair and all.
“Yeah. Thanks for getting her here,” I said, turning my attention to Nash. He’d picked her up and would take her home, as well.
“Happy to do it. Cutler talked her ear off the whole car ride over,” Nash said over his laughter.
“We’ve got the championship game in a few days,” Romeo said.
“Yeah, he’s looking forward to it. I can’t believe how far he’s come this year. The breathing thing still worries me, as he’s had a few attacks, but they’ve been fairly mild. So I’m hoping this is as bad as it gets.”
“You’re doing all you can to stay on top of it,” Hayes said. “And he’s aware of it, because when I took him to the park last week, he kept making sure I had the inhaler in my pocket.”
“I fucking hate that he has to even think about that shit.” Nash shook his head. “But tonight’s a celebration. Let’s focus on that. Happy for you, River.”
“Thanks, brother. Never thought I’d be sitting here, celebrating my marriage, but I’m here to say that it’s the best thing I’ve ever done.”
“Cheers to that,” Romeo said, clinking his beer bottle to River’s.
“I’m guessing King will be next,” Nash said, looking between me and Hayes as he laughed.
“Seeing what a sappy fucker he’s turned into, I’d be fine with it.” Hayes shrugged.
“Appreciate that, brother.” I held up my bottle in cheers, and he did the same.
“You never know. Hayes could surprise us all and be next. It happens that quickly,” Romeo said.
“Hells to the no. Although it would help my career because that dickweed Lenny Davis is having his wife, Kimber, host a Fourth of July firehouse party now. He’s doing all of this to show Cap that he’d be the best fit for the job once he retires. It’s such bullshit.”
“I hate that fucker. But he definitely knows how to play the game.” River shook his head in disgust.
“Hey, maybe we can rent you a wife,” I said over my laughter.
“I’d consider that long before I’d ever consider marriage again.” He took a long pull from his beer. He’d been blindsided by his ex-fiancée and her betrayal, and I didn’t know if he’d ever trust anyone again. “And maybe Nash will surprise us all and find a woman to help him raise Cutler.”
“I have all of you, ladies,” Nash said over his laughter. “I did things kind of backward, you know? Had the kid without having the solid relationship, so I just don’t think it’s in the cards for me. I got Cutler out of the deal, so I’m not complaining. But damn, you fuckers are lucky to have a woman to keep your bed warm every night.”
“I can send you over a heating pad, if that would help.” River barked out a laugh, and Nash flipped him the bird.
“I’ve got my hands full with Cutler. I don’t need to complicate that. And look how attached he is to your better halves. I couldn’t bring a woman into his life if I wasn’t sure that it was the real deal. I need to focus on my boy. End of story.”
“You know, I’m reading a single-dad romance right now,” I said, and they all gaped at me. “What? It’s a hot trope. They even call the single dads ‘daddy’ in the book. And if he’s a businessman, they’ll call him ‘business daddy’, or there’s ‘alpha daddy’. I think Nash would be ‘contractor daddy’. It’s a real thing, boys.”
“If you ever call me ‘contractor daddy’, I will literally shave off both your eyebrows and draw a vagina on your forehead with permanent marker.” Nash raised a brow.
Laughter bellowed around us, and I loved every damn second of it.
This is what life was about: spending time with the people you loved. But it also didn’t mean I couldn’t wait for everyone to leave so I could be alone with my girl.
As if they’d read my mind, everyone started pushing to their feet and saying their goodbyes. I scooped Cutler up and spun him around in my arms.
“Are you going to ride with us tomorrow, Uncle King?” he asked me. That boy loved horses, and the girls all rode with him on the weekends.
“Yeah. Wouldn’t miss it, Beefcake.”
He fist-pumped the sky after I set him on his feet.
The caterers had cleaned everything up, and Lionel had just finished packing up all the booze and breaking down the bar.
When River and Ruby left, I pushed the door closed, and Saylor smiled at me. It was this knowing look she always had on her face, which I fucking loved.