I pushed to my feet and pounded on the door again. “I’m not going anywhere until you talk to me. You can ignore me all you want, but I’m going to live on this fucking porch until you talk to me.”

“That’s a commitment right there.” His voice came from behind me.

I turned around to see Hayes walking up the steps to his porch. “You haven’t been here this whole time?”

“No. I’m not a complete dick. I would have answered the door to give you a tablespoon of water.” He raised a brow. “How long have you been out here?”

“Since around five-thirty this morning?” I shrugged.

“Jesus. You’ve been here for seven hours?”

“And it’s bee season. So, I’ve risked my life just to talk to you.”

He put his key in the door and pushed it open before raising a brow at me. “You coming in?”

“Are there any weapons or sharp objects nearby?” I asked as I followed him inside.

“Dude, you threw a damn good punch, too.”

“Sorry about that. I planned to let you kick my ass, but then you pissed me off.” I took a seat at his kitchen table, and he put a pot of coffee on.

He leaned against the kitchen cabinets, crossing his feet at the ankles. “I stayed up all night talking to Saylor.”

“Oh, yeah? How’d that go?”

“Well, she told me how she’d been in love with you for a while. How you tried to stay away, blah, blah, blah.” He smirked. “I begged her to skip the gory details because I can’t hear that shit. But, the bottom line is, she’s the reason you didn’t talk to me about it. And she explained why she didn’t want me to know anything, and as much as this is going to pain me to say—” He looked away for a moment.

“I can’t wait to hear it.”

“She was right. It’s none of my fucking business, King,” he said, setting one mug of hot coffee in front of me and another in front of himself before he dropped to sit across from me. “I need you to know something.”

“That you’re going to tie me up in a white van, hire a clown to drive me around town, and then set me free in a swarm of bees?”

He barked out a laugh. “Last night, I might have considered it. But I was drunk and exhausted, and let’s face it—I can be a real hot-headed asshole when I want to be.”

“No? You? Seriously?” I said over my laughter. “Listen, Hayes, I wouldn’t ever do anything to hurt Saylor. I think I’ve loved her since I was a teenager.” I held up my hands in defense. “I never acted on anything back then. Not a single thing ever happened.”

“Relax. She told me.” He scratched the back of his neck. “I need you to know something.”

“What is it?”

“This was never about me thinking you’re not a good guy. King, you’re my best friend. You’re one of the best people I’ve ever known. It was never about that. My fear was that you’d just fuck around with her, not realizing the impact that would have on her. She’s special, you know?”

“Dude, you’re preaching to the choir. She’s always been special. I would kill someone who hurt her, and I mean that.”

“I figured that out when you knocked me in the face, which, by the way, still hurts like a bitch.”

“Yeah, mine, too. And we better make sure there’s no bruising for Romeo’s wedding pictures, or Demi’s mom will have our asses.” I laughed. I felt the weight of the world lift off my shoulders as we sat here talking, and I knew everything would be okay with us.

“I know there are no guarantees in life, King. And I can’t ask you for that kind of promise. But I need to know that you love my sister, and you will try like hell not to hurt her.”

“Dude. There are few things in life that I can guarantee. I will love my grandmother until I take my last breath. I will love my Ride or Die brothers until I take my last breath. And I will love Saylor with everything I have until I take my last breath. Hand on my heart, I give you my word.” Our eyes were locked, and he studied me. “It’s not a hardship, Hayes. Your sister… she makes me want things I never thought I’d want.”

His eyes were wet with emotion, and then he smirked. “A white van?”

“Never going to happen.” I barked out a laugh. “But in all seriousness, I’d propose to her today if I thought she’d say yes. I’d even have a dozen babies with her if she were willing.”

“For fuck’s sake. Know your audience, you dickhole. I do not want to hear about you putting babies in my sister.” He tried to act offended, but I heard the humor in his voice.