“Am I dreaming? Oh, Momma, I miss you so much.” I said through tears. I pulled her into me for a hug. The guitar clanking between us. This felt so real.

“I know, pumpkin. We miss you too. I am so proud of you for finally getting up and doing right. You keep on with it, now, just as you are—no more wallowing. Ya here!” My mother sat back on the table.

“Your daddy, brother, and I were greeted by the great creator and introduced to the Goddess Harmony. She had offered Jason a place in her afterlife beyond the veil. The Great Creator, our God, will allow your father and I to visit through your dreams, as he does with all who pass and enter his heaven. He said It wasn’t supposed to be Jason’s time, so he would grant him the choice to stay with us or go with Harmony.” My mother beamed with pride telling me about her encounter with the gods.

“He took the good Goddess up on her offer as he wanted to see this amazing life you are making for yourself. Your daddy and I are with you, darlin, always. I’ll keep this short and sweet as you have work to do dear.” My mom kissed my cheek and stepped away before I could respond. I had so many questions. I saw my mother smiling at me as she faded away.

I woke up startled, as I didn’t want to stop seeing my momma. Terrek pulled me close.

“Are you well, mate?” Terrek asked with a sleepy voice.

“Yes, love, I am. I dreamed of my mom and didn’t want to stop seeing her just yet.”

“I am so sorry for your loss, my heart. I wish I could go back in time and save them.” Terrek kissed my forehead.

“Me too, big guy, me too.” I kissed him softly and got out of bed.

Grabbing my guitar, I went to the chow hall to feed Candy and make my morning tea. I held my cup in my left hand, circling clockwise, letting the leaves settle. I drank as I focused on my future. I truly wanted to save Terrek’s people and restore his planet.

I drank all but the last sip. I swirled the tea quickly from left to right before I flipped my cup over and set it down on the table. After a minute, I turned my cup back upright. I started near the handle of my cup. The shape of a skull and bones told me danger was present. The crushed truck at the other end of the cup reminded me of my past when my family died. I swallowed that lump of raw grief to continue my reading.

On the side, I saw war in my future. At the bottom, I saw three hearts. I was unsure how to interpret all that information, but I was glad to be settling back into my old routine. This ritual calms me and centers me for the day. I was running low on my black loose-leaf tea leaves. I shook my zip lock baggy. I needed to find a proper alternative soon.

Well, that’s an uneasy feeling to wake up to. I took my guitar and started playing my music, singing my favorite toons from Earth.

Terrek paused, eating to watch me sing. Even Candy seemed to wag his tail as I sang; I felt the vibe of the music and something familiar from my home. These two had no idea how much I loved them. How much was my life better with them in it? I let myself retreat into the song, giving me a moment to face the day. My mind flashed images of Flame and her sexy smile, and my heart fluttered. I tried to shake that giddy feeling off.

“Y’all better stay close today, boys. My tea said to be vigilant,” I said as we left our ship to find Flame.

The dock was busy this time, and war pods were parked and stacked on either end. The bay was filled with pods that were getting repaired. Through the atmosphere shield keeping the vacuum of space out of the docking area, I could see the planetary protection still glowed red. Beyond that, a towing ship collected all the imploded enemy crafts floating around the space outside. this time, I had not heard my footsteps as we walked toward the command center.

“Hi, Flame. It looks like you have another busy day,” I said as we greeted my new sexy friend.

My gut tightened, and I realized I had felt butterflies whenever I saw Flame. I looked at Terrek; I felt butterflies for him, too. What was happening?

“Yes, I am just tidying up some things. I am sending the debris from our battle to our fire, the star. The tow ship is hooking the collection to a drone that will hit the sun. As soon as I launch the drone, we must head down to the surface to test Andromeda for worthiness.”

I needed to file the butterflies away and focus on the day ahead. Me being smitten over Flame was too much to analyze at that moment. I needed to get to the bottom of this Andromeda situation.

“Clever, I like how you take the time to clean up the space debris,” I mentioned in awe as I watched the drone blast off on its way to the sun with white light, leaving a trail behind it as it flew away.

Flame looked sensuous with her red eyes and satisfied smile. I knew we were going to be great friends. I was so drawn to her. Seeing her dark red hair pulled back in a tight braid. I had the urge to untie it to see her hair fall freely.

Whoa! What was going on with me? I held Terrek’s hand as Candy stayed on my left thigh. We followed Flame to the jump ship to see about Andromeda on the surface.

Candy laid at my feet; a bit nervous with the turbulence from the jumper ship on our trip down. I rubbed his big ears, and he mellowed out, adapting to the new sensation. We entered the council hall, and at that time, Andromeda was already strapped into the worthiness detector machine chair.

The raised chairs before the audience were full of the females who sat before us the last time we were here. Empress Zion entered the room and sat at the center, facing Andromeda in the chair. We stood along the wall with Flame.

Empress lowered her red gaze at the soldier standing behind the worthy chair.

“Proceed.” She said, and we watched as the lights dimmed, and Andromeda’s whimpers went silent.

A hologram surrounded her and her chair. Like a scene from a movie in three dimensions. Andromeda was standing on the captain’s command deck on a ship, looking at a viewing screen of the planet Tarin. My heart sank when I saw her wearing a Kanenites commander uniform.

“Did you get all of it?” she had asked as she zoomed her screen in on the planet, showing that the Kanenites had already invaded Tarin and were harvesting the last of the resources, much like they did on Laverian.

“Yes, Commander Edge, we are wrapping things up. I have those females you requested. I will send them up to you now.”