“You’re right, Ember. One huge family now.” I couldn’t help but radiate happiness.

“These communication things are so intrusive. Ember said as she tapped at her device. We use the mind push to communicate long distances in my world. You, people, need some magic in your life instead of machines.”

I laughed. “Don’t I wish I could be magical? You are spectacular, Ember. Jason is lucky to have you.”

“Thank you, Darah. Tell me what this means?” pointing at her wrist device.

“It means we are arriving at Laverian and must report to Flame five minutes ago. I guess there’s no time for tea.” I said as I grabbed my charred backpack and guitar to rush and meet Flame.

Candy and Flame kept pace with me as I entered the docking port of the medical city vessel that transported us to Laverian. Guards, let us pass per Flames orders.

I ran to my Flame and jumped in her arms, landing a sweet kiss. I knew it was incredibly unprofessional, and I should save this type of stuff for privacy. I needed to love my mates after such an emotional experience. Flame kissed me back and held me tight, not bothered by our audience.

“I am happy to see you too, my love.” Flame said.

Gods, I love her sultry red eyes. She gave me and Terrek a particular gaze that radiated her love.

“Where’s that purple demon man of mine?” I asked, searching for Terrek.

He is checking on his mother. A jump ship just landed here from the other carrier to reunite them. I did not want to meet her without you with me. He will get us when they are ready to go to the surface. I have his relatives prepared to go in that ship over there.”

Flame pointed out a small jump ship that was waiting to launch. Her sad eyes said she felt terrible for what the enslaved people had endured.

“Flame, you did well. We saved them. Now we can all heal together.”

I hugged her tightly. Candy rubbed his head up against her thigh, saying hello.

“Flame, meet our new sister Ember,” I said playfully, explaining my dream encounter with the Goddess and my family.

“Welcome to the family, Ember. I am so glad we are more than friends.” Flame said as she put her fist over her heart and bowed, giving Ember a warrior salute.

“Thank you, Flame. I am glad, too,” Ember said.

Terrek came around the corner of the jump ship. As he saw us, he smiled, his black eyes smoldering. I ran to him and jumped in his arm, greeting him with a kiss.

“Mmmn, that’s my girl.” He moaned as he reluctantly let me slip down his body to stand on my feet.

Flame leaned up to kiss him briefly, “How is your mother?” she asked.

I stepped back so he could tell us. His gaze went sad just briefly.

It is so good to see her. She is frail, though. They tried to assimilate my mother, who is not controllable, so she suffered.

We cried over losing my father. She is still sad but pleased to be home and thrilled that I am alive. She wants to meet you both. Shall we?”

Terrek held his hand out in a wave, gesturing for us to board the ship to meet his mother.

“I am so sorry about your father, Terrek. I know it must be hard to stay stoic.”

I grabbed his hand and said, “I am eager to meet your mother.”

“I hope she likes me.” Flame said, taking his other hand.

“She will love you, Flame. She will love you both.” Terrek said.

“What’s not to love, Flame? You are badass.” I tried to reassure her.

My nervous energy flared up as I felt Flame’s anxiety, my fingers entangled with hers. Terrek’s sadness radiated backward toward us as he walked with a small limp in front of us.