He conveyed genuine shock, the first emotion I could detect from him.

“Yes, our gal Ember is something made of magic,” I said, not taking my eyes off Terrek.

I heard Ember laughing in the hall. “These beings are silly, right Candy?”

Terrek opened his sleepy eyes. He looked at me, then Flame, “What happened?”

He said, confused.

“It doesn’t matter. All I care about is that you are well and alive.” I said, happy to see his black eyes.

“Darah of Earth, I need to attend to your nose.” Doctor Zako interrupted my perfect moment.

“I am fine, don’t worry about me,” I said.

Terrek sat up and demanded, “Doctor, heal my mate.”

Flame said, “Your turn, babe.”

“Fine!” I gave in and turned to face a new device placed over my face.

My nose was set straight, and we were finally left in the medical room to be alone.

Chapter 24



errek escorted Flame and me to check on his cousins Tinah and Tam. This medical ship was massive, a small city floating in space. We entered the room that the sisters shared. Tinah and Tam got up and gave Terrek a big hug.

“Thank you for trying to help save me.” He said affectionately.

We settled in our seats.

“How are you two recovering? Is everyone treating you well?” I asked.

“Yes, I am better after the initial shock of finding out I was pregnant. I chose to cryo freeze the fetus for now. I am talking with my very supportive counselor.”

“I am not sure if I will allow adoption or terminate yet, but I am comfortable with it staying in cryo for now. It will give me time to come to terms. I know I just wanted it out of me.”

“I can’t imagine how hard this all is. I am glad you are happy with your care. You look so much better already.” I said.

“Yes, we have been given fluids to replenish our needs and speed up the healing. The laser repair machine handled all the tearing, so I am tender but much better now. So happy to be going home.” Tam said.

“Do you know of my parents?” Terrek asked.

Tinah gave Terrek a sad look before she softly spoke.

“Terrek, your father was killed fighting to protect us. He fell with the warriors who fought with him. You are now chief, my cousin Terrek.”

“And my mother?” Terrek said with a choked-up voice. His black eyes filled with sadness.

“We females were separated. They took her to the servant assimilation camp,” Tam said.

“She was considered too old for sex service. I hope she was spared the troubles we endured.” Tinah spoke softly.

“I need her name; I will check to see if we have rescued her.” Flame insisted.