“A little blood and dirt are expected in a battle. I think you are brave and beautiful, my Earthling.” Flame let go of me and wiped at my dirty cheek. She gave me a quick kiss before we went to be with Terrek.

“How is he?” Flame demanded in her commander’s voice, back to business.

A male with half of his face humanoid and the other was mechanical. He looked robotic, standing over seven feet tall. He broke through the people standing at the infirmary door.

“Make way. I want the mates to enter.” I heard his deep, robotic voice boom.

I pushed my intrigue to the side. My whole focus was on Terrek. This man was the healer holding my mate’s life in his hands. Flame gave the man a nod as we came to Terrek’s bedside.

I choked up, holding back my tears as I looked at him. Such a vast male was lying there, fading right in front of us.

“I am a healer, C-MD, in the 1st class, Major Zako, a doctor. I have stopped his bleeding and given him fluids. He is under a constant scan. His readings show that he has fractured ribs.

A laser wound has nicked the arteries located in his upper thigh. I have clamped his artery for now. We must act fast to give him blood. We have females from Laverian claiming to be his cousins who wanted to donate their blood to save him.»

Two robed Laverian females entered the room, interrupting Doctor Zako.

Excuse me, no time to explain.» The doctor swiftly turned his attention to the females, scanning them with a handheld device.

“Miss, please lay on this bed so my nurse can start the blood withdrawal.” He picked one female to lie down.

My heart was worried and grateful for all these people trying to save my big purple mate. The females teared up, looking at Terrek.

He is my cousin. I am willing to do whatever it takes to save him. I am unsure if my blood is clean after . . . my imprisonment. Please save him, doctor.”

The female said with tears. The emotions in the room were swamping me. Taking a deep breath, I tried to control my feelings. I was grateful for this team working to save Terrek.

“We are forever in your debt for saving our mate.” Flame said to Terrek’s cousin.

“Of course, he is family. You are family now, too. No need to repay me.” The female said.

I looked at the bruises on her exposed body, and my heart hurt for her and what she must have endured. Here, she was offering her blood to save Terrek when she hadn’t even been treated for her injuries yet. These people were truly phenomenal. The cyborg doctor robotically listed off the reading of his scan to the female.

“Your blood is low on vitamins. You’ve been malnourished. You have internal damage. Tearing, and you have been severely beaten in your stomach. The implant to sterilize you was damaged by the beating of your stomach. You carry a positive pregnancy. There is damage to your throat due to strangulation attempts. Your retina in your left eye is damaged.”

The female’s purple skin darkened, and her eyes teared up with fear.

“Excuse me, Doctor. Stop!” I said, interrupting his vocal evaluation. I walked to the lady and asked,

“Can I hold your hand?” She reached for my hand in answer.

“I am Darah. This is my mate Flame. What is your name?”

“Tinah.” The female choked out. She looked at us with panic in her teary eyes.

“Tinah, we are so grateful to you for helping us save Terrek. You are our family now. I am so sad we had to meet like this. Just know we are here for you, and you are safe. Don’t be scared. You will be okay. We will get you the support you need.”

The cyborg, the doctor, was oblivious to the room’s emotions as he focused on his patient.

“Female Tinah of Laverian, you require medical assistance. I will not take your blood. Nurse Jax is a female who specializes in fertility counseling. She will take you to another physician to attend to your injuries and offer different medical options.

Termination of your pregnancy with counseling is offered to help you cope. You can Donate your fetus to be held in cryo freeze for a later pregnancy or adopt the cryo fetus out. You can carry your pregnancy, keep or offer your child up for adoption. You will be healed, and treatment will be your choice.” His robotic voice was explaining to Tinah.

“I am your nurse. My name is Jax. I am going to wheel your bed to your room. I will give you updates on your cousin Terrek.” Tinah looked relieved to have Jax take her.

“We will come to see you as soon as we know Terrek is stable,” I said as she was wheeled out of the room.

My heart broke for her and her situation. The second female was already lying on her bed, being scanned. I looked at her as she looked scared seeing Tinah leave the room. I wished that this Cyborg Doctor had better bedside manners.