“He is injured,” I told Flame, and we broke apart to fuss over Terrek, getting him to sit down again.

Flame’s voice and features softened when she focused on Terrek.

The females stepped back, leaving us space cautious of Flame after seeing her battle-form.

“Please don’t fear her. She is with us.” I pleaded with the scared females.

“Don’t get defensive, Darah. I would worry if they did not fear me in my battle form.” Flame soothed me with her soft voice.

“I am not sure I will ever get used to your battle form,” I said with a wink as we made Terrek take a sip of energy water.

“We have defeated the Kanenites on this moon. I am waiting for transport ships to be escorted in to retrieve the formerly enslaved people. I need to let them know we need robes as many as possible.

I’ll Have them report back to me. Flame demanded as more of our warriors entered the prison. It wasn’t long before the medical teams arrived and issued robes and water. We stayed until the last female was escorted and left with them to the transport ships waiting above the moon’s atmosphere.”

I felt relief wash over me as I had my Flame and Terrek beside me. I sent up a prayer of thanks to the Goddess Harmony. ‘Thank you for keeping us alive.’

Ember was petting Candy, a very tender moment in contrast to the blood that coated Candie’s muzzle. The two seemed to be finding comfort in the aftermath of the battle.

I feel gratitude for being alive with my family safe and being able to help rescue these enslaved females. Witnessing the horror of what they endured will haunt me for the rest of my life. I plan on helping them however I can from here on out.

“I am getting reports that the other attacks are going in our favor. We hit them by surprise.” Flame said.

“Thank you, Flame, for saving my people and all those who were slaves. Terrek said.

“Medic!” Flame cried out as Terrek passed out and fell into her arms.

Chapter 22



cannot believe I let that fucking laser hit us. Shit! We were going down.

I hit the evacuation button. My crew would eject in the pods. I needed to kill that Kanenites asshole to give us more time. I lined the enemy ship up and fired. Yes! I’d shoot it twice if I could vaporize that ass again, just for the inconvenience of having to crash my girl’s ship. I looked at Terrek. I gave him the nod, signaling that he would escape with Darah.

“Go to the jump pod. Leave now!” I yelled at Terrek. I could see the pain in his eyes.

We discussed this, and he promised me. For a second, I thought he would grab me, too. He better not. I need to save whoever cannot make it to the eject pods.

“Take her,” I said.

I was glancing at Darah as she broke my heart. She was crying to get me. I love those two. ‹Goddess Dammit! You better not let me die. I am not ready to leave them yet. We just barely started.’ I prayed.

Okay, it was time to focus. My heart pounded, and I locked onto the pod carrying my mates. My wrist communicator will now be able to locate them. I sent an alert to the fighters that were assigned to flank me. They knew that protecting my mate’s pod was a priority.

Damn this thing. It must be the Kanenites’ engineering because this was a piece of shit compared to the Galactic ships. The upgrades I installed were the only reason I could keep flying, but barely.

Most of my crew had ejected. Fuck, here we go. “You gotta be fucking kidding me!”

I pull hard to maneuver the ship with an extended and engaged manual joystick. Meaning we were screwed. Ember ran through the smoke with Candy in tow. Great, just great! Another stubborn female who doesn›t obey orders. I would reem her ass if I weren›t out of Time.

“Brace yourself for impact!”

Was all I could get out when Ember morphed with her wings exploding from her back. She grabbed the beast, Candy, and me. She wrapped us up in a cocoon of her tuff wings.

Ember’s arms suddenly wrapped around me, and I was cocooned tightly with Candy wrapped up in leathery wings. I felt the scales rubbing my cheek raw and the sudden thunder and jolt of the crash. The Ship bounced and skid to a stop.