The explosion blasted so much that a percussion wave hit us, and we both flew, hitting the solid metal prison wall hard. Terrek turned his body in time to take the blow.

My breath was knocked out of me. Gasping for air, I held myself on my knees and focused on catching my breath. My lungs burned. Terrek stood up and grabbed my hand. We ran to the broken building. The blast took out more than the door. Two guards ran past us, engulfed in flames.

I thought about shooting a killing laser shot at them, but Terrek kept me moving. We made our way into the prison that kept the females. A blast hit the wall next to us and ricocheted, hitting Terrek in his thigh.

Our armored suits held up for me, but Terrek was hurt. Blood was staining his pant leg. I fired my laser taking out the asshole that injured my Terrek. I scanned the area for more, but the crumbled building had crushed the guards stationed there.

“Can you walk?” I asked Terrek, not looking away from the path before us.

“Yes, keep moving. ”Terrek answered with pain laced in his voice.

I could tell he was trying to hide his pain from me. My senses picked up on him. The alarm was blaring, and the smoke and debris had put my awareness on high alert.

I reached the gates that accessed the female holding cells, where a guard desk was located. It looked empty, but a hand came up with a laser and shot at us. Terrek took me down to the ground, and the shot narrowly missed us.

I shot at the desk, my laser powerful enough to shoot right through it, and I heard the male guard grunt as he fell dead against the bars. Terrek retrieved the gate keypad that controlled the locks, pushed the button, and opened the cells.

I walked into the holding area. A tall female stepped out of her cell. She was naked and looked utterly defeated. She was purple like Terrek but had no horns. They looked shorn off with small numbs left.

I felt so sad that we didn’t get here to save them sooner. I saw two human-looking females with pointed ears hugging one another as tears brimmed their eyes. These must be Tarinites female.

“I am Darah, and we came to save you and your friends.” I held my hands out to show I was not a threat.

Terrek stepped out of the smoke behind me. His limp made it obvious he was hurt.

The female before me noticed Terrek; recognition entered her black eyes.

“Terrek!” She said as she rushed to him.

He gave a tight smile and hugged her briefly before she let go of him and looked at his leg.

“You have been lasered.” She said with concern.

“I will heal. It is time we get you all home, Nala.” Terrek said.

Tears brimmed his eyes as he saw that her horns were carved off. He pulled back from her and evaluated her with concern. He saw the other females that started to emerge from their cells.

They all looked young, maybe in their twenties. They were all nude, with only a collar on their necks. I gazed into an empty cell and saw bare mats and a toilet. No sheets or clothes.

These females were stripped of all dignity. Bruises darkened spots on their skin, turning purple skin black. Hot anger had my blood boiling. I was pretty sure we hit the sex slave cells.

“These fucking bastards need to burn, every one of them.” I spit at the guard I shot and kicked him for good measure.

Ember came into the building, smoke steaming out her nostrils, her naked flesh marked with blue scales. Candy was at her heels with a bloody snout. He was wagging his tale happily. Ember wasn’t completely back to her female form. With her blue-scaled body and enlarged claws.

“The evil Kanenites are no match for my dragon flame. What a thrill it is to fight.” Ember said with a witty grin.

Her face fell when she sniffed the air. “It smells of fear and sex in here.”

“This is the sex slave prison,” I said flatly.

Ember turned her head towards the exit and let out a roar that sprayed a blast of fire. Her anger let loose in a spray of lava fire. If any fallen guards had breath left in them, they disintegrated.

“I don’t understand this evil,” Ember said as she turned around to see all the Laverian females looking at her in shock and awe.

“None of us will ever understand,” Terrek said sadly.

“Is Flame safe?” I asked Ember as I held my breath for her answer.