She flew us to the surface area the beacon was tracking. In our viewing screen stood a tall woman dressed in a blue dress. She carried a bow and quiver full of arrows. Her hair was braided up like I would imagine Vikings did. The female looked confused and stared at our pod in shock.

“Who are you, and where did you come from?” Flame asked through an intercom that projected her demand outside our ship.

The woman stood taller. Her shock was replaced by defiance.

“I am Ember of the Dragoons. I came from the Goddess Harmony’s god portal. Harmony has some explaining to do!” Ember shouted back at us.

I instantly relaxed, “If Harmony sent her, she must be a friend, not a foe.” I insisted my intuition telling me so.

“There you go again, being too trusting.” Flame said to me with an eye roll.

“I do not recognize her. She has purple slit eyes like the chetaht. She seems like a predator to me.” Terrek spoke.

“You two are too much; that girl got here as I did. If Harmony sent her, that’s all I needed to vouch for her worthiness,” I said, knowing in my gut that Ember was a friend.

“Please, Flame, land this thing so we can talk to her properly. I need to teach you two some southern hospitalities, geez,” Darah said.

“Woman! She hasn’t been deemed worthy, but I will try to be nice. Only because you asked with that sexy, southern accent.” Flame said as she landed our jump pod, and we exited.

The beautiful lady in the blue dress approached us confidently. Terrek stepped in front of Flame and me, taking a defensive stance. I rolled my eyes at Flame, who looked at our big purple male as if to get him to help her convince me to be cautious. Before I had the chance to move, I heard the stranger speak.

“Chill out there, big male. I will not harm you or your females.” Ember said.

I stepped next to Terrek. He did not take his suspicious eyes off this lady. Flame stood to his other side. I could feel Terrek tense. He did not speak. Flame looked stern, staring at Ember with a hardness, a visual warning. What a sight we must make.

“I smell the fire in your blood, but you are not a dragon. I smell that you have claimed these two. Your fire marks them. The lady said to Flame.

He smells like he is of this world,» she said, staring at Terrek.

She flared her nostrils toward me.

“You are an earthling. Do any of you know why Harmony has brought me here?” She demanded, not very happy that she was here.

“First off, I am Darah from Texas on earth. Harmony brought me here, too. This big guy is Terrek of this planet. This world is called Laverian. This is Flame; she is from the planet Gia, a warrior world.” I introduced my family, trying to break the ice.

“How are you able to smell what we are?” I asked curiously.

“I am Dragoon. My senses are excellent.”

“Dragoon?” what does that mean?

“My mother told me that earthlings have heard legends of dragons. Do you not know what a dragon is?”

“I did not know dragons were real. My apologies. How does your mother know about Earth?”

“My mother is from the Earth. The magic of my world changed them into Dragoons. I am half earthling but wholly Dragoon. Dragoon is the family name of our most powerful dragon bloodline.”

“You must be deemed worthy.” Flame said sharply.

“Can you not smell a lie on me?” Ember asked Flame.

“I cannot smell a lie; can you smell a lie?” Flame retorted. Damn, she was hot when she was in boss mode.

“Curious, I smell your fire; you are somehow related to my dragon. But you are not a dragon.”

“Just because we share names related to fire doesn’t make us related.” Flame said with her flair.

Flame looked at me, leaned behind Terrek’s back, and mouthed, “What is a dragon?”